I hate new Google Search Result layout!

+ infinity.....i hate it too.....i just hope they roll back to the old layout, this sucks totally....the next thing we know are ads starting to show on the right hand side....this is making me very :mad: as i have to do a lot of google work and the new layout irritates me :mad:
not alone my friend,

it's not good for me too.

I guess it will take us some time to get adjusted with it.
After 2 days i searched some address in google and i thought some settings were $crewed and tried all browsers:ashamed:.Damn i hate it ,it looks crap.$crew u google.
You are not alone... My first reaction was to check whether adblock was disabled. Feels like I am Yahoo or Bing searching.
Totally, this happened a few weeks back and to my great relief, they took it down in a few days. But seems they are rather inclined to stick with it. It spells trouble for small screens (10 inch, 7inch) netbooks and otherwise also, the interface sucks.
I feel these Layout is nice! Gives you lot of control over your Search and expected results.I really like the 'Guided Search' feature. Quite Advanced and powerful

I guess it might take some time for many people to get used to new layout.

PS: Opposition to new layout isn't surprising for Google, as it is expected. same happened with Facebook too. but then everyone got used too and people don't complain anymore
Metalspree said:
After 2 days i searched some address in google and i thought some settings were $crewed and tried all browsers:ashamed:
Not the only one :)

Yeah, i'm glad not be alone on this one. I don't like the new setup at all :(
Yup....Old layout was much better. The options they are providing now are always there under "search options" which was hidden. Can't find out what make them to change the visibility to hidden field.
Agree with neoronin.
Such discussions pop-up every time a popular service changes something. Happened with Orkut,FB,T61,<many more>...now Google. Every time it's the same thing...people start complaining about it but get used to it eventually.
I'm not too psyched about the new layout either but hey, they must have done it for some reason, with something in mind.
mndar said:
Agree with neoronin.

Such discussions pop-up every time a popular service changes something. Happened with Orkut,FB,T61,<many more>...now Google. Every time it's the same thing...people start complaining about it but get used to it eventually.

I'm not too psyched about the new layout either but hey, they must have done it for some reason, with something in mind.

Because its fundamental attribute of humans to resist any kind of change. does not matter is its good or bad.if its a change, people will resist it. Its not just true for software but everywhere else too.

For that I don't blame anyone, this how we all are wired:p
What exactly don't people like about it? All it does is add a convenient bar to the left making use of all that wasted space on wide-screen displays.
saumilsingh said:
What exactly don't people like about it? All it does is add a convenient bar to the left making use of all that wasted space on wide-screen displays.
We ain't got wide screen displays :(

But thanx for pointing that out, now at least I can comprehend why they did it.