So I had Crysis and Crysis Warhead lying around for a while. I never bothered to install them, thinking that these games are nothing more than pointless visual candy treat, which would oft run in single digit frames every now and then. Never layed my hands on them, while I played every other game out there, some great & some not even worth mentioning.
How ignorant was I.
Last weekend I installed crysis, OMG it was amazing. The visuals were par excellent, ran butter smooth on my R4870. The set peices were amazing. And the game isn't just about the visuals, I loved its gameplay too. With superb level design and varying environments, great sound and what not. I just kept going at it. Finished it in 2 days. Currently I am playing Warhead, loving every moment of it - I am at the train level, shooting KPA with the mounted machine guns. Too bad it will end soon.
Ohh well, just my rant about an awesome game. So if there are any more ignorant fools out there, who for some reason skipped this title - Go get it.
How ignorant was I.
Last weekend I installed crysis, OMG it was amazing. The visuals were par excellent, ran butter smooth on my R4870. The set peices were amazing. And the game isn't just about the visuals, I loved its gameplay too. With superb level design and varying environments, great sound and what not. I just kept going at it. Finished it in 2 days. Currently I am playing Warhead, loving every moment of it - I am at the train level, shooting KPA with the mounted machine guns. Too bad it will end soon.
Ohh well, just my rant about an awesome game. So if there are any more ignorant fools out there, who for some reason skipped this title - Go get it.