I love crYsis

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So I had Crysis and Crysis Warhead lying around for a while. I never bothered to install them, thinking that these games are nothing more than pointless visual candy treat, which would oft run in single digit frames every now and then. Never layed my hands on them, while I played every other game out there, some great & some not even worth mentioning.

How ignorant was I.

Last weekend I installed crysis, OMG it was amazing. The visuals were par excellent, ran butter smooth on my R4870. The set peices were amazing. And the game isn't just about the visuals, I loved its gameplay too. With superb level design and varying environments, great sound and what not. I just kept going at it. Finished it in 2 days. Currently I am playing Warhead, loving every moment of it - I am at the train level, shooting KPA with the mounted machine guns. Too bad it will end soon.

Ohh well, just my rant about an awesome game. So if there are any more ignorant fools out there, who for some reason skipped this title - Go get it.
Why is a 9800gt on your wishlist when you've got a 4870 already? And I'm sure pretty much anyone who cares has already played the game through.
Chiron, who will take care of PhysX ? Thus the 9800GT you see on the wishlist. I know its not a big deal at all, but I would like to play the copy of cryostasis I have in its full glory.
Am not exactly sure, but in Mirror's Edge, the PhsyX part of the game was working on my 4850, with graphic details set to max.. will post a screenie if someone wants to see.. :P
yar.. i just use those 2 games for benching.. now i guess will start playing...

U know guys, ive started playing FEAR. though its in my pc since 4 years :P

Never playeed that game.
sathyanaidu said:
Am not exactly sure, but in Mirror's Edge, the PhsyX part of the game was working on my 4850, with graphic details set to max.. will post a screenie if someone wants to see.. :P

Not possible. Frames dip to 12-15 FPS with physx enabled. Yes i would like to see the above mentioned screenshot with FRAPS running. Now i don't remember the name of the level - but at the very beginning of it, you are in a room with construction material around, red sunlight filling the room & in particular when you point your screen towards a pile of sawdust; thats when all the frames take a hit.

The sawdust is seen moving in grooves because of mild winds, this feature works only when physx is enabled, at this moment Radeon users should see major drop in FPS.
Guess the max fps is locked at 62 fps..





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man i too love crysis and warhead!!:ohyeah:

its like the most awesome gaming environment to be in! (especially the snow and all) just love it totally!:ohyeah:

First time i played warhead! i was like WHOA!! (especially during the ice levels) the visuals were absolutely amazing!:clap: :ohyeah:
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@sathya - Dude I believe you haven't reached the aforementioned stage in the game. Because only then you would be able to realize what I am saying, what your screenshot depicts is near the beginning of the game. There even I get ~65 fps. :bleh:

Ok there is one more stage where frames take a hit - When faith meets her sister in an office. At that very moment after the cutscene, the cops start shooting at you. Glass shatters all around you, and so do the frames in the game. :S

Back to crYsis :ohyeah:
Frankly i didnt like crysis much...Its all eye candy, very weak story and average gameplay...I like cod4 much better.
amitash said:
Frankly i didnt like crysis much...Its all eye candy, very weak story and average gameplay...I like cod4 much better.

:stop: Oh No Dont start again by comparing crysis and COD4. Both are winners in their own league.
Aphro_EVO said:
Not possible. Frames dip to 12-15 FPS with physx enabled. Yes i would like to see the above mentioned screenshot with FRAPS running. Now i don't remember the name of the level - but at the very beginning of it, you are in a room with construction material around, red sunlight filling the room & in particular when you point your screen towards a pile of sawdust; thats when all the frames take a hit.

The sawdust is seen moving in grooves because of mild winds, this feature works only when physx is enabled, at this moment Radeon users should see major drop in FPS.


4850 with PhysX enabled in Mirror's Edge results in a massive drop of frames..

@ Saithya - Please turn off Vertical Sync so that the frames dont get capped at 62

And u r not using any Anti-aliasing n 1440x900 is kinda low resolution n hence the FPS on ur 4850 is decent evn with PhysX enabled... Try boosting the graphics a bit with PhysX off n u shall enjoy the game better (All settings - High, Anti ALiasing 2x or 4x, vSync - off) Make sure u get 60+ fps still.

And @ raghavsey: I once played crysis on my 6600GT n it ws decent fun evn on lowest settings.. although i dnt prefer playing such games n hence i uninstalled it after 30min. Now i have a 8800GT n never bothered to install the game.
im still playing it dude...forgot which level though...!! someplace..where you shoot the 4 thanks with rocket launchers i think?!!
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