I-phone 4 confusion.

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Hey.. My sis is coming back from U.S in a week and is planning to get me I-phone 4,but there are a lot of problems for which i need all of your help! :)
1-Should i wait for the release of I-phone 5 which is rumored to release around june!
2-will I-phone 4 possibly release in india any time soon?
3-should i get a factory unlocked version or the locked version? will i be able to jailbreak it here without any problems?
4-warranty issues :(
please feel free and pour in your suggestions.
thx :)
1) Its not gonna release in June as far as rumors go

2) No clue and don't even count on it. Even if it does, it will cost a bomb

3) Get Factory unlocked for complete peace of mind but you don't get those in US

4) No Warranty at all
Lol ^ ^ Agreed. Only other option is ask your sis to get one from Canada. The price is about the same check Ebay.com.
thx for the reply.
so the option of getting the i-phone 4 from U.S is just a completely NO?

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comp@ddict said:
Ask her to save the money, you may as well spend it on the Galaxy S II..
No i'm actually glued about gretting the I-phone 4,so no other phone.Thx :)

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n00b said:
Lol ^ ^ Agreed. Only other option is ask your sis to get one from Canada. The price is about the same check Ebay.com.
Do they ship the phone from canada to U.S? hopefully they do,cos thats my only option of getting it!
Well, if you just WANT an iPhone, go ahead. Only dont regret incase some industry sources turn out right and Apple release iPhone 5 in June itself(there's no confirmation when it will launch)
Thanks a lot for all your suggestions. I told my sister to return back the phone.Have decided to wait for i-phone 5.
Just sold my 4 months old locked iphone 4 for 28k. So i'm in the same boat as you. Waiting is hard :/ but i guess thats the right thing to do. And Apple is known to stick to their routine so i'm hopeful.
No worth the hassle now that iphone5 is gonna launch this october?Seriously if you are onna risk buying an iphone from outside with no warranty, atleast get it within 4 months of its launch.
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