Windows I think I found a bug related to powered external usb 3 hubs in W10

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Bug is that in Control Panel under Devices and Printers, Windows 10 shows devices as connected even after they have been disconnected and removed from the powered usb 3 hub. Seems like windows only marks the device disconnected only is the usb cable is removed physically from the port. So in case of a powered USB hub, where we don't remove the cable, it shows as device is connected but with an exclamation mark. It just says device has been marked for safe removal but has not been removed from the computer.

See images below:


I have a weirder bug - with a 2600CWR2 board, running Windows Server 2016, with a Transcend USB powered hub, when restarting, the devices need to be replugged else they wont show.
Now it shows only latest device even when two hdd's are connected.
This bug is serious actually. If I remove one device, i will have to remove everything and remove the usb hub cord from pc just to attach a new hdd to the hub. if i don't remove the usb hub cable, windows wont recognise new devices connected to the hub. stupid os.

hey, i think we have the same problem.
Also, this is with the onboard USB3 ports. I have not seen the issue with USB2.0 ports. I am using a powered USB3 hub.
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