I want elections on TE

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You may feel this was made in jest, but please think it over and give it some consideration if you can.
Can we have a general elections on TE, where people get voted in to positions like mods for every section. This will not only serve as a small social experiment, but also make our people more election aware and maybe end the flow small topics titled "abuse of admin/mod power". This will also be very democratic of TE and people who are not doing a good job won't be elected again. :P
It may have its pitfalls but I welcome the people to debate on this. I would also love to hear what our current mods have to say on this?
Democracy is never meant for indians. lets keep the things that are not broken as it is.
No democracy please... communities that elevate people on the basis of trust, experience and knowledge are the best.

The old-fashioned Panel of Elders rule.
Sheru seems to be upset over something - I don't see a reason why he's chosen this topic! :P

Btw I don't haz voter's ID card. ):
well we can't have elections here because the new members could vote to new members(if standing) and produce "TAFRI" on TE:P
Its a good idea.

How is this proposition ? -

Only the long standing global moderators, who are more the founders here, should be in the elite panel and don't have to stand for elections. IMO all the section mods should be elected. Only members with 1000+ posts should be able to apply and only members with 500+ should be able to vote.

If I am right, there were some elections introduced in FE that decided selection of staff/manager.
Nice idea. :P We had elections on FE for the post of Member's Representative, I won! :P We even had one whole section of a forum dedicated to me. (We still do :P :ashamed:) What happened afterwards is a different story alltogether. :ashamed:
ultra vires said:
Democracy sucks i want Comunist to takeover..

m-jeri said:
Democracy is never meant for indians. lets keep the things that are not broken as it is.

morgoth said:
No democracy please... communities that elevate people on the basis of trust, experience and knowledge are the best.

The old-fashioned Panel of Elders rule.

Ya no democracy please :ohyeah: Why mess with something that is not broken with something called 'democracy' :P
won't be as democratic as it sounds

there is no identity for any vote to be counted, people might just create zillions of accounts and ridicule the whole election.
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