N Nikhil Forerunner Nov 30, 2005 #2 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I think this is for the jokes section.... :rofl: :rofl:
Blade_Runner Forerunner Nov 30, 2005 #3 :rofl: That would look weird if it were poking out of the usb ports on the front of the cabinet !
S Sandy Discoverer Nov 30, 2005 #4 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thumb drive? should be 128mb 2nd thumb :rofl: :rofl:
B Boka Contributor Dec 1, 2005 #5 lol .... will be a head turner when u connect it to school terminal
S saumilsingh Galvanizer Dec 1, 2005 #6 Unbelievable it took someone this long to come up with that. I've yet to see a mouse shaped mouse either.
Unbelievable it took someone this long to come up with that. I've yet to see a mouse shaped mouse either.