IC : Gigabyte P45 UD3P

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Its the same as a EP45-UD3R except for an extra 8x PCI-E x8 and 2x onboard lan. Which is not exactly significant for the majority of us(?)

UD3R retails for 8,500 locally. o;
Where did you get the 8.5k quote?o.O I had been looking for it for nearly a month before I got bored and had KMD get it for me, at 8.5k.
Computer Bazaar - Hyderabad

There maybe a wait time frame of a week though, its a BTB order. I got it two months ago for 8,600.
Where? :boxed:
damn said:
Its the same as a EP45-UD3R except for an extra 8x PCI-E x8 and 2x onboard lan. Which is not exactly significant for the majority of us(?)

UD3R retails for 8,500 locally. o;
well i thought no1 intrested well pls try to find a good deal i still want that too....adding u on the list...hope i get a good price as dollar is below 50 these days
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