id: Piracy killing PC gaming market


id: Piracy killing PC gaming market
Todd Hollenshead said:
"... the problem that this industry faces above all else is the piracy. There is about seventy-percent of the landmass of the world where you can't sell games in a legitimate market, because pirates will beat you to the shelves with your own game. ... you may literally have more games being played illegitimately than being played legitimately. So when you're giving up that much market to people who aren't paying for the games, or who are buying the games in ways in which the developers aren't getting paid for it, it creates a big challenge. Not only for the developers and publishers. But also for retailers, because they have to make bets when they buy their game inventory."

Kevin Cloud said:
"Piracy is hard. It's really -- from my opinion, destroying the PC market. ... when you look out there at the number of games that are getting pirated, it is just devastating. It's the primary reason retailers are moving to the console. It's something that's on every PC developer's mind -- on how to reduce [piracy]. Because, if you like the PC, you hate to see it fall lower and lower down."

id: Piracy killing PC gaming market - Joystiq
umm...well its always gng to be tuf call in developing nations with low GDP...maybe regionwise pricing may help..lowering the price....but again u cant fight a price war with piracy...
One of the biggest problems behind all of this is that developers are constantly making consumers, like us, go out and shell out hundreds on new graphics cards and more processor power to play new games that could have easily been developed on a older graphics card, causing people to want to pirate games to save a few bucks.

i completely agree with the above statement....& they missed out india in top piracy could they...!!! XD
They problem is, games are quite expensive...

Remember GTA games ?? costed 3K here.....

And even other games cost 1.2K - 1.5K .... it is not possible to buy all games. Once in a way someone may buy an original game.... but to buy each and every original game isnt possible for most of us.....
lol i think they were wondering world is full of jacka$$es who will spend millions on originals games like tht game boy fan whose library was posted here some time ago

its butt obvious no one will buy each n' every orig. game even if they like it cause its stupidity to spend lacks on games which are going to end up in trash sooner or later unless ur another game boy fan :lol:
maybe its killing the piracy market...but those pirated games are doing a whole world of good for many hardware mfging companies .... cause many people buy computers .. sometimes more then 1, to play games .. since they can acess almost all the games free of cost , or at a nominal price.. !!!!
Games are costly but that's still no excuse to embrase piracy. Games are costly the same reason anything else imported is costly. Simply put, If you ca'nt afford games then you should'nt be a gamer!

My only gripe with gaming in India is how games almost never seem to reduce in price no matter how many years have passed by since it's release or at least they reduce in price too slowly.
well the games are not originally expected to sell too much in markets like india, with low PC penetration. and i don't think it's actually a loss to the developers, because most ppl wouldn't buy if they had to buy originals in the first place. The developers would be better off selling their indian rights to some local publisher who might want to distribute copies at a more reasonable pricing......
To The Gaming Industry->
Reduce prices a bit.
Make games such that we do not have to upgrade our hardware ever so often.
Dont whine so much and concentrate on making good games. people buy good games.
Right now you sell each game for Rs.1500 say and sell say 100 pieces.

What if you sell each game for Rs.300 and sell 500-1000 pieces, you don't loose anything do you. In fact you might generate a sale of maybe even 2000 pieces!!!
You know, if software ( games, appz, etc) cost 300-500, I might actually start thinking about buying the legitimate stuff. :p
You know, if software ( games, appz, etc) cost 300-500, I might actually start thinking about buying the legitimate stuff.

If games cost this low ... then pirated stuffs will cost Rs.10-20. Then what ??
Then also, pirated stuff will still sell.....

But I would buy an original game...making pirated stuff work on your comp is a nightmare.

And another thing..... many games are not available widely here. I remember looking for an original copy of GTR....

Only the popular titles are released in large numbers it seems....
Games are becoming too monotonous ... same old shooters... creativity is lacking... i aint surprised at so much piracy...people will buy good interesting games always even if its 1k or above...ask Id to make better games :p coz Doom 3 Was super monotonous according to me
price is the main reason behind piracy... most of the good games here debut at around 1.5k. spending that much for a FPS that has less than 15 hours of gameplay is just stupid.. so ppl are better off getting the pirated version for less than 50 bux. and you can probably get your hands on it less than a week after the game releases ;)
I always order the original stuff from Ebay, at least for Ps2 and Gamecube.

Titles in India are highly overpriced when it comes to consoles.
senfunn said:
If games cost this low ... then pirated stuffs will cost Rs.10-20. Then what ??

but in this case there will be more people buying legit stuff than not. because its not the ratio (pirated/legit) but the affordability that buyers are looking for. 300-500 is down right affordable today. they can sell it in cheap plastic cd cases without all those add-ins (or whatever its called) to save costs. make it available as downloads. if most games are sold at around 400-500 i'm game.

think about it. you do spend about 300-600 on pizza. so why not on games (and you can play it over again on that rainy day...:))
Uh dudes it was never about the price.....its about the options... We get so many options like hmm should i buy a legal copy ? Should i "buy" a pirated copy ? Should i download for Free ? Its not about India, it never was...even pirated copies dont sell well here.....

People in US got the option of downloading a game in 4-5 hours, hell sleep in night and leave your download open and you got yourself a nice game in the need to get up go to the shop, stand in the que or do any bullshit. One click and one big nap and you got yourself a game...These games get released earlier too, like one legal copies are sent to shops week before to game shop before release date some angry employer leaks it online....shit happen...

It is always the option, you can buy a game if you really want, you can buy 1 or you can buy 2 but hell wait you get tempted and you think hmmm i got an option, why not just go online and download this that cant argue with the "price" point of view, "if you see a ferrari which you cant afford with a expensive tag you wont go steal it, same goes for games" - Some Microsoft d00d. 1 game a month is fine, play slow and nice but with piracy so good lookin you cant turn it away....

No matter what the price is, you will always consider free stuff......they should ban torrent ports or something, thats the most they can do and nothing much....No i dont buy games, i got options.

akS !
What made me think ... !!!!

Two years back, i read in a daily newspaper that,

Piracy is the main income for terrorists. They sell pirated CDs, perfumes..etc and with that money they survive and buy all the stuffs needed for destruction.
During the last BomB Blast at Mumbai, people in this forum were angry about what had happened. Politicians blamed,security criticized so and so. But what if whatever the daily newspaper published was in fact,fact. Common people fund terrorism ???

In fact BBC world, too confirmed that piracy is the main source of income for Terrorists.