One of my friends' based in Pune is facing an issue with her Idea GPRS connection. She has been using the net on phone as well as her laptop for quiet some time. Now the issue is that she is able to use the net on phone perfectly fine but it is not connecting at all on laptop.
The problem does not seem to be in the idea side but some issue with laptop.
She says that when she dials that idea number for GPRS connectivity from laptop it fails. When the "secure socket tunneling access protocol" service is started the error comes as follows " 1616: interface is not known" something like that. She googled and found this info about service to start and all.
According to her, it is required to start this service to access net :S
Now i have absolutely no idea what this issue is and how to rectify this ? I have never faced this and have no idea about this service and all.
Any pointers to resolve this issue will be appreciated.
OS used is Vista (don't know which) and laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1525
The problem does not seem to be in the idea side but some issue with laptop.
She says that when she dials that idea number for GPRS connectivity from laptop it fails. When the "secure socket tunneling access protocol" service is started the error comes as follows " 1616: interface is not known" something like that. She googled and found this info about service to start and all.
According to her, it is required to start this service to access net :S
Now i have absolutely no idea what this issue is and how to rectify this ? I have never faced this and have no idea about this service and all.
Any pointers to resolve this issue will be appreciated.
OS used is Vista (don't know which) and laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1525