has anyone used idea's usb netsetter?? how is the speed?? shopkeeper says that it gives speed upto 236 kbps..i'm sure it wont give that speed practically,but how fast it is??
The speeds also depend on the type of tower. Some towers might have only GPRS in that case you'll get only around 1-10. If the tower is EDGE capable you'll get around 20.
Like I said earlier Wireless Internet speed depends on various factors like No. of people on the same tower, range etc...
i m on idea netsetter for last six month (am from pune) a whole lot will depend if you are getting good network or not. and yes the load on the network
usually me, during 10 in the morning to about 10 in the night, i get about 90-120 kilobits/s, and after that speed slowly climbs to 210 kilobits/s or so. speed will always keep on fluctuating, but checking emails and stuff it is reasonably good