IDM Getting stuck at 99 %

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I have been trying to download Bitdefender TIS 2011 and IDM has been consistently getting stuck at 99...99.8...99.99 % :@
Eventually giving out time-out errors.

Desperately looking for a work around :(

Any Idea ??
its happens usually with lot of sites.

disable idm for bitdefender and instead try it with mozilla download mgr.

it will work 100% :)
isn't IDM good? then why such issue, sometimes i too can't dwnld from random sites, some error pops up :S
Most of the time download speed decreased and no data transfer.

Then I have to stop and restart the download again.

Is there any way if download drop the download will restart automatically in few second like dial up connection redial process ?.....
this same bug persists in Free download Manager too!!

i uninstalled it, the Firefox inbuilt one seems to be good to me, no problems yet
I hope you have tried with installing a fresh copy of IDM.

Either you can use Orbit downloader as an alternative to IDM and it is freeware(if you only want to use a download manager)

I myself also found the Mozilla's default download manager best.
Idm is good but you may incur such errors with any download managers. So sometimes it is better to go the old way and disable the download manager and us browser default saving function. It works 110%
Are you using a *ahem* version? the program has a lot of internal checks... try using it as a trial version... Else if you've paid for it, u can always contact the developer for support.
I saw the problem persisted with Download Them All too.

So I disconnected my BSNL Broadband and plugged in Reliance Broadband and it certainly did complete the last 1 percent.

I have been trying this work around on a regular basis to me nowadays...Maybe I have to stop using 'The Ahem' version or maybe ride to the store soon :D
99% stuck thing happens only on *ahem * version where the bugs start to appear. try the newer versions. they are much better now.
killmastern3 said:
Once you buy the original, will I able to update the software regularly or only the version bought can be used?
The website clearly states that its a life long license & free upgrade to all new versions of IDM during one year.
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