With a budget like this it's really difficult to suggest something that you will surely like. There are tons of options available and even a 200$ premium IEM doesnt guarantee you will love the sound.It ultimately comes down to personal taste and sound signature preferred .
hyeah: But I am glad that someone is spending such a huge amount on audio gear and doesn't consider it to be a waste like few people i know
So to start with ,If you would like to save some moolah or invest in a better AMP/ DAC to go along with your earphones . Have a look at the offering from Head Direct. RE-0 and RE-1. Both used to sell at 150$+ price point and currently are on a clearance sale of only 89$ shipped to India. Both the IEMs are among the best and super value for money .
1)about the RE-0(from Reviews and feedback, will be getting mine soon)
RE-0 are known as one of the most neutral and balanced IEMs out there. Slightly high on treble these earphones provide with you the highest detailing possible in sound which even a few of the 300-400$ IEMs lack. Sound stage is also good enough but not as great as that of RE-1.
It's not the most fun earphones around but it's more of like super detailed audiophile grade IEMs.
2)about RE-1 (from brief listening experience using BF1983's piece)
These IEMs having a soundstage worth mentioning . Though they need a amp to truly shine and give their best .But once you pair it with a decent amp , these IEMs are very musical and you will surely enjoy your music .These are slightly treble shy and hence have a bit of dark sound and are best for those smooth ,laid back extra long music listening sessions.Unbeatable soundstage , great mids and good lows .That's how i would describe them.
When I first heard them .I was like WOW ! after I kept them back on the table and put on my RE-2 again , my love for my RE-2 has certainly decreased and I wished I had the RE-1. They are that awesome
Incase you get the RE0/RE1 getting a amp is highly advisable.
Other than that If you are really looking forward to spending the complete moolah on the IEMs . Sleek Audio SA-6 is something you should consider . It has lots of ports and tweaking accessories to get the desired sound signature.
You wouldn't go wrong with this one too .
Even Sennheiser IE-7 ,Future sonics Atrio M5 is something you can consider but I dont have much idea about them , follow up some reviews to get an idea.
My personal suggestion would be to seriously consider the RE-0 /RE-1 with an amp . Cause for the price they are selling now they are a total steal. They might be soon available with the local Indian distributor -Lynx .So you dont have to import them.
Rest is upto to your personal choice and taste. Best of Luck .