IEMs needed

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Hey guys
Wanting to buy new pair of IEMs under 2.5k.I listen to a lot of hard rock,jazz and some EDM.I was using senn cx 180.they completely worn out hence looking for some loud & balanced IEM with wide soundstage.
Any help is much appreciated
Thanx :)
E30 wud be d widest in soundstage in that range.. get it eyes closed. The bass is nice n tight n well controlled. Suits all genres well for me.
Brainwavz M2 , Signature Acoustics -C12 , Sound Magic E-10 are some of your best options . M2 maybe slightly above your budget but has the maximum tight bass. C-12 is close to M2 in bass quantity but better in mids . E-10 probably has the best treble and overall balanced sound but build quality may be an issue with Sound magic . E-30 has less bass compared to other options but has really good midrange and sound stage. Coming from a CX 180 you may find the bass on E-30 to be severely lacking when listening to EDM .
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