IEMs under 5-10k

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I need an IEM under 5k to Max 10k. I would be using it on a multitude of devices Xbox, PC, Galaxy Nexus and iPad and Im not looking to change it for the next 2 years, so durability is imperative. It would be best if the IEM has an inbuilt mic. I need an all round balanced sounding earphones. I hope the earphones would come with at least 2 years of warranty as for some unfortunate reason my earphones go kaput exactly in the first week post one year warranty period.
It seems the iem is going to take some beating since it would be moved around quite a lot.

Durability would be one of my main points to look at going in hand with the sq.I had a friend of mine who had asked me a year back with some similar requirement about what should he go for.I honestly think you should go for the brainwavz m3. They are in my experience the best bang for the buck iem's on order and i have used them ocassionally for gaming purposes as well and the sound is pretty good.They do take some beating as well.

The only con i would say is that they have no mic.To be honest you will find mic friendly good sounding iem's in very short supply.
Had narrowed down to Bose MIE2 and Klipsch S4 Second Generation. Bought the klipsch instead as Bose had only one year warranty and seemed far less durable.
Was on Brainwavz M2 before. They were great and I loved it, but it broke in just over the one year time period. So wanted to stay away from Brainwavz.
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