If it had legs, how far could your computer run ?
Was just looking through some old posts on Ubuntu forums, and came across this fun thread.
Just run this code in the terminal, and see how much your computer can endure before its demise.
Mine can run 232.3 miles.
Was just looking through some old posts on Ubuntu forums, and came across this fun thread.
Just run this code in the terminal, and see how much your computer can endure before its demise.
echo `uptime|grep days|sed 's/.*up \([0-9]*\) day.*/\1\/10+/'; cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep '^cpu MHz'|awk '{print $4"/30 +";}';free|grep '^Mem'|awk '{print $3"/1024/3+"}'; df -P -k -x nfs -x smbfs | grep -v '(1k|1024)-blocks' | awk '{if ($1 ~ "/dev/(scsi|sd)"){ s+= $2} s+= $2;} END {print s/1024/50"/15+70";}'`|bc|sed 's/\(.$\)/.\1 miles/'
Mine can run 232.3 miles.