This is more of a value approach to society in that you want to extract the most value out of it, Spartans were the first to implement such a system. Well, that didn't last long. Belief (Not to be confused with Truth and Facts, it can be but it's not always the case) and Identity (Moral, social, and Personal) are two (among others) non-negotiable entities in the social contract (human social contract ofc, until we meet an alien civilization). They are also the building blocks of Human Psychology, the absence of belief makes you a sociopath, the absence of identity makes one a psychopath, and the absence of both well those are separate bread.......Now Identity manifests itself via Touch, Smell, and Language. A kid knows his/her mother's touch, her smell and knows when she speaks. Touch has language too, and so does smell it can not be put into words but you know your kids smell your mothers..you get the point. And language culminates in itself not just what you get from your mother/family but everyone before them that is a sh*t ton of personal identity right there.I have a contrarian opinion here: I think only English should be taught in schools. If there is valuable knowledge in the regional language, it might have already been translated into English by now. If not, then most likely the content is not worth translating. The time saved by eliminating regional language subjects should be used to teach life skills such as money management and financial literacy, digital literacy, human anatomy, cooking, mental health, logical fallacies, and ways to filter fake news and information, among others. Other subjects are essential and cannot be removed.
All this jibber-jabber just to show how important language is to the construct of personal identity and belief. Now note the word personal here.....No one, I repeat no one should start a sentence that begins with "I think you should speak this language" or "sing this song" because it's more efficient or more logical, cuz that's not the point. Look at Belgium well they suck but they have made a whole complex system just to preserve this sense of personal identity. Germany is an example of rebuilding a nation from ashes and moving on.
Do I think English is bad, oh hell no, I make money cuz I am good at this Language? Am I proud of this fact? Hell no. I mean I feel proud when I make a custom circuit to do some shit but I am not proud of the soldering iron I used, I mean it's a tool. So what's the solution, well you teach kids their regional language to a point that it's not a burden in their other activities and once they are of a certain age let them decide for themselves. And we let the kids decide in 10th grade just like we force other subjects until 10th grade.
Edit1: I just checked, and I think Egyptians built a value-based society before Spartans but those bast**ards in that era f***d their sisters (not cousins mind you) so let's keep them out of the discussion.
Ref: https://www.cambridge.org/core/jour...-psychopathy/E51E502DF6E25F6BD1AE16F4D6D26865
I will try to cite sh*t as I remember....or read it and just ignore it as another internet troll.
Regional languages are already dying, be a sport and let them die their natural death, don't shoot them with English point blank.
Edit3: Indian mothers have another language apart from touch, smell and words....Flying Chappal. Don't quote me in front of my mother though....
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