IGN NFS Shift PS3 Review - 9/10

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Wow.. a 9 for an NFS game hasn't come for a long long time now! Must be really somethin abt it that's got their attention..

[edit] And it has no story at all!! HURRAY!! :clap:
Ragz017 said:
haha i was gonna skip this one..

but will buy it now.. damn so many good games gonna release this year :(
Good to see u here. :tongue:

You gonna buy this , I'll wait for GT5 for my racing. :devil:
I don't want something that is real, heck, If I wanted real, I would drive on the road or in a track.

Moving away from arcade based racing is silly. And if people have played GTR and Grid, there is no real novelty factor. In any case, I don't see why people would want to go crazy after this, but in any case, its their money and not mine, so I don't really care.

They can make or break this game on their pricing. They should go the Valve/Rockstar way by releasing it sub 600 or 700.
well i am playing NFS shift on the psp and it is plain jane BORING - even my better half with little interest in gaming had the same verdict. It is neither true racing sim and is very arcadish though not totally. And honestly it is no fun. If the bigger console versions handle like this - its gonna go the carbon or pro-street way.

PS: I do not understand why these people not follow the tried and tested formula and let the gamers have fun while racing. I still belive that NFS II, IV and V were arcadish but the fun and seriousness I raced in the latter stages of the same was great. And MW was the best with an actual storyline and great presentation.
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