IGN's Top 100 games !

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IGN Top 100

You may remember the Top 100 Games list we compiled a few years ago. We also let you folks tell us what your favorite games of all-time were in our Readers' Top 99 Games list. Well, now it's time to respond to your picks with an update of our own!

This list represents the thoughts, sweat and tears of over 20 IGN editors, all long-time gamers. We voted, we sorted, we yelled, we cried, we took a little nap and eventually this is the list we came up with -- our Top 100 Games of All-Time, at least for this year.

[RANK="top100.ign.com/2005/"]Source [/RANK]

PS: The original doom finds a place in the list whereas doom 3 is not be found :devil: hl2, god of war, CS, burnout3, q2 all find their places !
oh .. i was about to post it here myself :P

grt games in that list.. ol' fav super mario is no1 :P
I was surprised to see System Shock 2 rated over Half Life 1 ... I think they screwed up there... Also contra is also rated quite down the list according to me...
Yeah! Good ol' Mario on top!!!! Tho I do prefer Super Mario world. I wish they wud make platform games for the PC, those things were really fun.
System Shock 2 is considered a better game than HL1 by almost everyone, though I haven't played either completely.

Super Mario 3 should be #1
Also Mafia and Rainbow Six are placed way too down, they deserve to be in the top 25.
Trust me, Super Mario World (for SNES) is better then SM3, but SM3 is waaaaay looonger. It is nice to see tetris in no 3 was it?
saumilsingh said:
System Shock 2 is considered a better game than HL1 by almost everyone, though I haven't played either completely.

Super Mario 3 should be #1
Also Mafia and Rainbow Six are placed way too down, they deserve to be in the top 25.
SS2 is one of the best games i've ever played. Gameplay is definitely better than HL. The only game of that type thats better is Deus Ex which happens to be my personal all time favorite. Its also the highest rated FPS game in that list which it thoroughly deserves. However it shud have made it to the top ten or atleast top fifteen. They rated rome total war as 14. I'd say DX is umpteen times better than rome anyday!
I had super mario world too, but it was simply more of sm3 with better gfx.
Didn't find it as thrilling to play the first time as sm3.

sm3 isn't much long as I remember it, I used to finish it daily.
But I had a hacked cart that allowed to chose any power without it getting depleted before each level load, just chose the frog or super suit everytime.

Deus Ex is the best fps ever made, it's a given.
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