IIT Bsc+Btek worth it?

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Guys my dad got information from his uncle whos in ISI that seats are empty in IIT for the Bsc+Btek course.It'll take 7 years for me to complete bsc and btek ...........is it worth it? does the IIT stamp really makes tht big a difference and will in coming 7 years?

One more thing in bangalore Pesit they r asking me 3 lacs shud i get in? the bucks worth the institution?
I told u na when u came here, Pesit is a very good college. I dunno abt that course in IIT but Pesit definitely is worth it. Its among the top 3 colleges in Karnataka. Are u sure its 3 lakhs for Comp Sci? And one more thing are you sure the seats are still available coz they were going fast.
That course is only in IIT Kharagpur as a management school have been started there. so either bsc + mba pr btek. :(.someone help me if its worth. cuz i am having some other options too MIT , Priyadarshini , VESIT etc etc....

abt pesit ths wht a big councellor told me but i am keeping some other options too , as its really costly.
First of all you can-not get an admission in PESIT @ CS Branch for 3 Lakhs ......... who ever said u that must have been on a crack , I was asked 7 lakhs last yr for an admission in CS Branch @ PESIT ..... and then if u r a North-Indian then believe me u r not goin to Like bangalore very much......specially if u r all alone here ! I Think that IIT Course u r talking abt may not have that much value as its a Management seat and not the REAL IIT.... but MIT seems to be good..... anyways decision is yours !
Err I thought you HAVE to give JEE to get into any B-Tech course in IIT. I don't think you can get in thru the back door. Take MIT... what r u waiting for :P. Pune University has a much better reputation than bangalore university(or whatever its called :P) when it comes to applying abroad and also for recruitments.
I dont think u can get into any of the IIT courses without giving a entrance test :P But if u do have the chance to get into IIT Btek then take d00d... belive me the degree is totallly worth the pain u go thru passing out :)
Never heard of BSc + Btek course... which IIT are u talking abt ???
naa i'm taking abt the new management school tht have starte in IIT "Mr vinod gupta school of management: an ex iitain onate arnd 2o crores to start it.they have a integrated course BSC+MBA. was thinking if its worth it. also unno abt the BSc + BTEK thingy.
abt MIT hmm there r still come concerns as counselling is goin on in maharashtra right now. lets hope for the best. :D obviously its my first option.

EDIT : Its IIt Kharagpur
If you ask me if your gettin the seat at pesit for 3 lakhs take it. As nikhil said, its peanuts for a seat in pesit.
Hunty ... my only option right now seems to e PCEA index.
in nagpur all other asking hell lot of bucks.
me geting RIT , Pune but sadly after extensive research i cant find their damn site.dunno the full form.
other ones me getting are IIMT in Noida and some faridabad inst of tech crap.
thnig i wanna ask is is it is it really true i wont get placed in a+ grade bluechip companies from nagpur?
^^ That is crap.. Priyadarshini is a good college... I am from Nagpur and i know it.. Most of the 3rd year batch is already placed in TCS , Satyam etc.. Its a good college if u can do well, otherwise no college in the world is good...
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