I'm new here and I don't know much about this site so please help me out....

I don't understand this minimum 25 post rule. Doesn't this encourage spamming? What should I even post about? Original content or copied technical articles from net?
TE is an old-school tech community-based forum that's been around for 20 years; the oldest probably, alongside Overclock.net (also 20 years). The minimum post rule is essentially to encourage meaningful memberships, and not solely for the marketplace, which isn't the focus of what this forum is built upon. Although you do have the option to take that route via a paid option (like a shortcut to win bundle in games).

As for spamming to reach that goal, one will get called out, not have their posts counted, or have them removed by a mod if a post doesn't add any value to a discussion, such as quoting someone with "I agree" or "+1".
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