Graphic Cards Important RiG For 3d Animation and Gaming

Ok then im going to lamington tommorow for a final check of availability here goes .. the aprox from last times visit

Cooler Maters 690 - 4k
Intel Q9550 -16.5k
Asus P5Q - Deluxe - 12k
ATI 4870 1 GB PALIT -17k or 19k
4 GB KINGSTON DDR2 - ? ( or some other brand Suggest they say only Transend and Kingston they have)
650 Watts: Everyone(shopkeepers) say buy 3k Cooler master but seen most dudes fitting corsairs into thier cm690ies
SAMSUNG t220 -14.5K i seen this it was ok..everyone sugggested this..i see you have it too.
08 Max Bible - 500 bucks ;)
Do i try to get all these from one shop or buy them from seperate shops and then take the parts to assemble at the place where im buying the cabinet ??

Or do i take all the parts home and call a experienced person to connect the parts aramse....

Do i need to ask for warranty ?
Do i need to put tissue paper to block the holes in the coolermaster to act like dust filters on the bottom ??? and do i get the one with the glass window or without.
OH more importantly do i install dual boot or triple boot vista64 and xp 64 and xp 32 just in case ati or some software decides to play tricks on me
Oh and screw buying XP and Vista i have had genuine 98,2000,Xp,Vista and im sure i have contributed in Microsoft piggy bank.
Cooler Maters 690 - 4k
Intel Q9550 -16.5k
Asus P5Q - Deluxe - 12k
ATI 4870 1 GB PALIT -17k or 19k
4 GB KINGSTON DDR2 - ? ( or some other brand Suggest they say only Transend and Kingston they have)
650 Watts: Everyone(shopkeepers) say buy 3k Cooler master but seen most dudes fitting corsairs into thier cm690ies
SAMSUNG t220 -14.5K i seen this it was ok..everyone sugggested this..i see you have it too.
08 Max Bible - 500 bucks ;)
Why not this 2X2GB kit from TE:

Don't get 650 Cooler Master PSU.

get either Antec 650W EarthWatts or Corsair TX650W. The price difference is just a few hundreds more than 1K in favour of Antec.

Don't get T220. I bought it when Benq 2200HD wasn't available in market and I did not anticipate that it will appear so fast. Get the the Benq monitor. It's a better product than T220 as well as cheaper.
and dont get the max bible either.. get those blue color bpb publication books.. they are better :) . or you can always download the video tutorials from...(sites i dont think i should mention) ;)