Incompatible AIO

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Few days ago I went to Acro Engineering in Hyderabad which is the official partner of NZXT in India to get AIO my replaced under warranty. The guy there immediately gave me the replacement.
While installing the AIO I noticed that there was a extra cable with five pins and there's no such port on motherboard. After a bit researching I found out that this AIO is for NZXT H1 version 2 which has additional fanhub and not for Version 1. Also the 5 pin is cable proprietary nzxt cable and will not plug in to any fan hub. I tried contacting them twitter, Insta again and again and they are totally ignoring me now. This is very shitty service from NZXT and Acro. I'll never buy anything from them again
Why not visit them again and explain them the issue. But again, if the version is superseded then nothing can be done!
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Is this even an issue? It's just additional feature you're getting which you can't make use of so just tuck the cable in the case somewhere.
IMO service is excellent if you got replacement hand to hand. Nothing can beat that.
Is this even an issue? It's just additional feature you're getting which you can't make use of so just tuck the cable in the case somewhere.
IMO service is excellent if you got replacement hand to hand. Nothing can beat that.
I think you didn't get what I mean. The Aio in version 1 case has a normal 3 pin pump connector and this one has 5 pin proprietary connector and a dummy 3 pin connector without 12 volt. I've ordered jumpers from amazon and figured which pin is which and connected them to 3 pin and now it works just ok. My processor is still heating though
Is this even an issue? It's just additional feature you're getting which you can't make use of so just tuck the cable in the case somewhere.
IMO service is excellent if you got replacement hand to hand. Nothing can beat that.
It may be an issue, which only the OP can clarify.

I've read that the 5-PIN controls the pump, and without it plugged in, it won't function. I could be wrong, though.
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I think the OP means that the v2 AIO is meant to plug into a fan hub, which the v1 doesn't have?

OP, is the heatsink properly contacting the CPU? and is the CPU fan spinning? Are you able to control the RPM?

I assume this is you... 95c idle temps is really high.
Yeah that's me lol. Yeah I've did everything I could and nothing improved but things have gotten bit better after installing windows 11. But still there are sudden spikes
That 5-pin connector definitely seems to be controlling the pump. Without it plugged in, people seem to be hitting high temps:

Yeah that was the issue. I don't think nzxt has Version 1 aio left so I've ordered jumper wires from amazon and connected them by following a reddit thread by someone who didn't want to connect the five pin connector to fan hub because it runs at full speed and he wanted to control speed
Acro has a fairly active fb group. Have you tried posting there?

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