Increase in Fuel Prices Affecting Couriers

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Hi there guys, today I went to DTDC office for couriering a package weighting 90 grams to Faridabad (I was sending it from Delhi). So I asked the guy how much will it cost and he said 40. I said to him I couriered a similar package of similar weight to the same destination a few months ago and then you charged 30, so he said that since the fuel prices have increased all courier prices have also increased. Have you guys been also experiencing an upsurge in the prices of couriers? or is it just me? I think that even speed post has also started charging higher taxes on their parcels now. Am I right?
Absolute nonsense . How does petrol price affect these lamers?, when most of the courier movement is done via diesel trucks.

They need some reason to increase prices.
@vantheman5211, I will try not to take that offensively. But you miss my point. The day we decided to liberalize our economy, we gave up control over most of the pricing. That is the price we pay for being less oppressed. I dont see anyone complaining about the reduced costs at which we make a phone call or higher quality goods we enjoy now or a higher stand of living most of us take for granted.

Clinging to the romantic notion of yesteryear movies to boost our bruised ego is not going to help anyone.

The fuel prices are going to increase, the prices of courier is going to increase, prices for everything is going to increase. It has been happening for 1000's of years and it will continue to. Survival of the fittest is the stark reality. We cannot ask the company owners to reduce costs, its a free country and they can price it at whatever price they want. But the beauty is that, you can start using smaller companies which gives you better prices and also lets them grow.

Welcome to the capitalistic world :)
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Heck my company canteen buggers have increasred the price by as much as 15 rs. First 5 then recently 10. I dont think those buggers are paying any fuel surchage.
vantheman5211, I will try not to take that offensively. But you miss my point. The day we decided to liberalize our economy, we gave up control over most of the pricing. That is the price we pay for being less oppressed. I dont see anyone complaining about the reduced costs at which we make a phone call or higher quality goods we enjoy now or a higher stand of living most of us take for granted.

Clinging to the romantic notion of yesteryear movies to boost our bruised ego is not going to help anyone.

The fuel prices are going to increase, the prices of courier is going to increase, prices for everything is going to increase. It has been happening for 1000's of years and it will continue to. Survival of the fittest is the stark reality. We cannot ask the company owners to reduce costs, its a free country and they can price it at whatever price they want. But the beauty is that, you can start using smaller companies which gives you better prices and also lets them grow.

Welcome to the capitalistic world :)

ah that was just a joke. :p
this scene popped in my head as soon as i read your last few needed nana to lift your spirits up,
Makes me feel happy that for once in my life I started a thread which is argumentative enough, :yahoo:
But my point is that as you guys also trade and ship goods like me, is it only DTDC or other private couriers have also increased their fuel prices substantially?
2-3 weeks back, i sent a package of around 300 grams via DTDC from Delhi to Chennai.. and the courier charges were Rs. 50 :bleh: . From one DTDC office i got a quote of Rs. 85 and from other office, it was Rs. 60 as i mentioned that package might weigh around 500 grams. But the package was a bit less than 300 grams, so they charged me less.

Though for priority shipping, it was around Rs. 160/170.
@harpreet89 so you mean to say the price differed from office to office right? Rs 50? seriously man, this is very cheap.
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Yeah, at first i was too confused when i asked the price over phone, they quoted Rs. 60 whereas other office quoted me Rs. 85 . But when i visited their office and the package turned out to be around 300 grams, they reduced the courier charges accordingly.

And yeah, after getting different quotes from different DTDC offices, i too feel that prices differ from office to office. If you have any other DTDC office near your location, then try to get a quote from them also, it might turn out cheap.
Absolute nonsense . How does petrol price affect these lamers?, when most of the courier movement is done via diesel trucks.

They need some reason to increase prices.

Do they deliver 90gm package on diesel trucks ? :P

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

BTW, petrol prices can decrease by Rs. 2 or so.

So, a drop of Rs.3 here in bangalore :yahoo:
@rad0 the last mile delivery alone is done by bikes rest all involves diesel vehicles, at times they dont bother delivering so how does fuel price affect them.
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rad0 the last mile delivery alone is done by bikes rest all involves diesel vehicles, at times they dont bother delivering so how does fuel price affect them.

As I said before, they are just taking advantage of the situation. It is not a consumer friendly approach. But even they face a lot of bottom line hit, with corruption on transport routes and bribes at tax-points.
plus they have to increase salaries of people working every year or two. with inflation in 2 digits in the country, prices of essential food items are almost doubling every 2-3 years. no one will work at old salaries in companies now.
Ya I have 2 of them near my house but the last package of 90 gm which I delivered costed me rs 40 just to Faridabad from both the offices. This is really strange actually. The prices should be same all over.
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