India fears Chinese cyber war


Saw this news in the Local daily also. There were reports previously on Pakistan hackers targeting Indian government websites. Now Chinese dudes are checking their skills.

Fudzilla - India fears Chinese cyber war

The Indian government claims that Chinese hackers have attempted to break into the office of India’s National Security Advisor and some other government departments.

In a statement the National Security Advisor's department said that it was fairly sure it was the Chinese. It is difficult to find the exact source but this is the main suspicion. The Indian government is co-operating with the US and UK to bolster its cyber defences, the government spokesman said.

China has denied any role in the hacking attacks, which also targeted US defence contractors and finance and technology companies. China has officially said that hacking in whatever form is prohibited by law in China.

However many believe that the hackers are operating as part of a military operation designed to find foreign technology, and hunt for dissidents. India has been becoming increasingly alarmed at the number of hacks of various government departments. In some cases the finger has been pointed at Pakistan.
I know of a surefire way to stop the Chinese from hacking important government computers!

Don't let them connect to the freaking internet.

Is it that hard? You can just create a wide intranet with absolutely no connection to the internet if you need to share files that badly. The only issue would probably be bugs in the hardware, routers and stuff. Just don't buy shit from huawei or!
Pakistan used terror as a policy and got itself consumed in it. The tragic part was that the world labeled pakistan as the epic center of terrorism. China is probably heading in a similar direction. 10 years from now, it will have serious trust issues. Trojan adsl modems, Bugged telephone equipments, Ghostnet and what not. All empires get turned to rubble one day. Especially fiends and megalomaniacs.
Wouldn't it be amazing to see massive DDoS attacks on Indian websites, and our own babus trying to fight them off with their puny 2mbps lines?
Chinese hackers are part of the govt put to work to hack confidential data in an effort to foresee future events. Chinese lay strong emphasis on spies and it's a core part of there military doctrine. I don't think CPC hackers DDOS attack others. There are many local chinese hackers who engage(and encouraged) in cyber attacks with US and europe similar to pakistani's and indians.
If it comes to a war with Exam marks, Indians would lead anywhere. But Cyber war.... I don't think our parents will allow to help the Govt. because of exams.
Much better article here and prolly where the fudzilla ppl copied it from..

He said that the attack came in the form of an e-mail with a PDF attachment containing a “Trojan” virus, which allows a hacker to access a computer remotely and download or delete files. The virus was detected and officials were told not to log on until it was eliminated, he said.

Huh...i was expecting something more exotic :lol:

Yeah, so if you want to be l33t just get their email address and um..send them some email.
There's only so much coding your country can be capable of when the bulk of your graduates aspire for nothing more than taking calls at dell tech support for 15k a month.

The Indian army do have a cyber warfare wing. You can see them when you drive past the parade ground near Brigade road. They're called network centric warriors I think.
There's only so much coding your country can be capable of when the bulk of your graduates aspire for nothing more than taking calls at dell tech support for 15k a month.

The Chinese are fighting for that slice of pie since years, are you even aware that a lot of these design engineers hired by the semi conductor companies in China are paid approx. INR5k per month :)

The Chinese do not innovate, they just make a cheaper copy of everything in the world :) (by cheaper I mean financially and not necessarily quality)
Aces170 said:
The Chinese do not innovate, they just make a cheaper copy of everything in the world :) (by cheaper I mean financially and not necessarily quality)

True...example is my Eaget M880 media player, 100% copy of AC Ryan Play On HD. They don't even invest time to create own firmware. Just copy the firmware of AC Ryan when they release and do some chinki changes and pass on as firmware of Eaget M880 :p
The Chinese do not innovate, they just make a cheaper copy of everything in the world

But in that process they at least learn how things work man. If reverse engineering is what it takes for us to gain some know-how then I say, go for it. Sure we'll be crap for a few decades but eventually we'll mature.

The Americans got jet engine tech from the germans' reverse engineered V-2 rockets and now they're pioneers.
just create a wide intranet with absolutely no connection to the internet if you need to share files that badly. The only issue would probably be bugs in the hardware, routers and stuff.
I assume all govt servers are in VPN, so an Intranet is not required. Unless Indian govt. officials are not into too much of online Chinese p0rn, one hole is closed.
But in that process they at least learn how things work man. If reverse engineering is what it takes for us to gain some know-how then I say, go for it. Sure we'll be crap for a few decades but eventually we'll mature.

They have been manufacturing since years, Hon Hai is one the largest electronic manufacturing services company in the world, but they yet do not have a electronic design team etc...
Funnily enough, the internet is not open to the Chinese. Also, such stories have very little details, and there is very little cyber property in India to wage war on anyway. Like a targeted trojan to a particular security agency office can be called "war".
help said:
because they are not true...

About the NSA getting owned by some email attachment, it sounds very weak for a story tbh.

First thing you wonder is what kind of admins they have overseeing their network. Then you wonder whether they pay them enough to attract talent and finally whether anyone even cares what some network admin thinks or just pulls rank to do whatever they want.

As to the poster you replied to, the Chinese can get onto the net if they're clued up to bypass the big firewall. They can even participate and discuss whatever they want on domestic forums. What their govt watches out for is whether they start anything as a result of these discussions. Until that point its pretty much do whatever you want, feel free to rant about how bad things are or how corrupt & inefficient their govt is.

Makes me think of posts by some members here stating that discussing stuff on the web never really made any difference IRL :)
Sandy said:
Naa, thats nothing:eek:hyeah: We have great hackers too people like Ankt Fagia on our side :rofl:

Fagia indeed.... :rofl:

l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
There's only so much coding your country can be capable of when the bulk of your graduates aspire for nothing more than taking calls at dell tech support for 15k a month.

The Indian army do have a cyber warfare wing. You can see them when you drive past the parade ground near Brigade road. They're called network centric warriors I think.

..what the.. where?, near the army canteen? or beside the vet clinic.. lol