India gets Killzone2 before Rest of the world

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Indian gamers were anxiously waiting for the release of Killzone 2, the much anticipated shooter for the PS3. We were expecting Killzone 2 to release in India somewhere around February 27, 2009. But to our surprise, we got Killzone 2 today, i.e. on February 11, 2009. We purchased the official copy of Killzone 2 from a retailer in Mumbai.
We didn’t know if this was a goof up or if it was an official release. Killzone 2 is expected to release in the United States on February 27, 2009 and in Europe on February 25, 2009. Seldom does it happen that India gets a game before it is released in the west.
To clarify, we called up Milestone Interactive, the distributors of the game in India and asked if the game has officially launched in India, they said, “No comments.â€

more here with pics :- India Gets Killzone 2 before Rest of the World? -
This can actually be a good strategy. People who are willing to buy the game generally fall for the temptation of getting it early off the torrents.
Renegade said:
This can actually be a good strategy. People who are willing to buy the game generally fall for the temptation of getting it early off the torrents.
Not for a PS3 game. No mod = no piracy. ;)
Renegade said:
This can actually be a good strategy. People who are willing to buy the game generally fall for the temptation of getting it early off the torrents.

we are talking about ps3. not 360/wii/psp/pc.

kz2 = ps3 exclusive
Alright those who failed to get the logic, let me reiterate.

This can actually be a good strategy, if implemented for all games in countries where piracy is high and games release later than rest of the world. People who are willing to buy the game generally fall for the temptation of getting it early off the torrents.
Renegade said:
Alright those who failed to get the logic, let me reiterate.

This can actually be a good strategy, if implemented for all games in countries where piracy is high and games release later than rest of the world. People who are willing to buy the game generally fall for the temptation of getting it early off the torrents.

yeah youre eight, but ps3 cant be pirated yet. :hap5:
Renegade said:
Alright those who failed to get the logic, let me reiterate.

This can actually be a good strategy, if implemented for all games in countries where piracy is high and games release later than rest of the world. People who are willing to buy the game generally fall for the temptation of getting it early off the torrents.
How dare you talk of petty things like piracy in presence of such a shiny and powerful machine called the ps3 !! :rofl:

Everyone on this thread is wearing tinted glasses to realise that Ren was probably referring to all the platforms. :lol: And he is partially right, cause i personally know quite a few people who are frustrated with late launches in India and can't wait that long enough and go download the game instead.
no piracy on the ps3,heard the rumor that they increased security on an previous update.anyway have to wait till end of month to get a copy as i am not in india
If they wanna reduce piracy then should sell games at a lower cost in bimaru countries.Introducing them early won't be enough.
I am getting Killzone 2 Steelbook Edition in 3 days from GI .... :clap: :clap:



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