Indian air-powered City Cat car prepares for production run

The first commercial car to be powered by compressed air could be about to hit the production lines, as Indian automaker Tata Motors prepares to build ex-Formula One engineer Guy Nègre's design. We're not certain if it's the same air car that we hit just under three years ago, but if it is, it's about time! The City Cat runs on nothing but compressed air -- which can be refueled at "air stations," and overnight using a built-in compressor -- with a not too shabby top speed of 68MPH and a range of 125 miles. The Air Car designers are working on a hybrid version that can compress air while it's operating, potentially making cross-India journeys possible: Toyota Prius, eat your hybrid heart out. As EcoGeek points out, the game ain't up just yet for completely emissions free travel since the problem of the source of the electricity (usually acquired from fossil fuels) has yet to be solved. Plus, the fugly design really doesn't do it any favours: why does "green" have to mean "gah?"
Here are the links:-

Indian air-powered City Cat car prepares for production run - Engadget

Air-Car Ready for Mass Production | EcoGeek | Air, Car, Technology, Compressor, Out
Its about time they start using the abundant renewable sources of energy like air or water to run automobiles..its a good move in the right direction...

btw, just imagine the situation at filling stations for air or water....

"O Boss, Dus rupye ka hawaa dena...".....:rofl: :lol:.....or, "boss, ek bisleri ka bottle dena, gaadi bahut pyaasi hai.."...:rofl: :bleh:
wow! dosn't the design looks like an alien's face?

If this becomes a reality i wonder what the arabs will do. all (or atleast some amount of) that oil going to waste :rofl:
oh they'd buy these eco loving companies and shut them down.. heck they do have the money for it.. lol

but yeah it would be funny... when u go to a fueling station.. oh damn air is free for now.. they would charge for it. .bah!

and if vehicles run on water again.. ... hmm.. no wonder people say packaged water is big business in India.. visionaries i must say! lol
As EcoGeek points out, the game ain't up just yet for completely emissions free travel since the problem of the source of the electricity (usually acquired from fossil fuels) has yet to be solved.

This is a major 'hidden' problem with most of these green-car initiatives :p

They talk about hydrogen fuel cells, compressed air, blah blah with zero emission.. what they forget to mention is the amount of energy consumed in making the hydrogen fuel cells, the compressed air, etc.

All you're doing is transferring the pollution from the car to the power generating stations - hardly helps at the moment!
unless.. they could provide free solar sheets.. which could be used to generate and store electricity in a generator. which could be transfered onto the car battery.. hmm.. could be viable in the rural areas.. i feel.
Given the state of solar powered technology at the moment, its just too damn costly and doesnt really yield much energy to move vehicles large enuf to carry large number of passengers...:no:

Also, even if we r just transferring the pollution to the power generation stations, it will probably still be less worse than the pollution these internal combustion engines are causing on the roads... i think if done properly and cost effectively, this is a step in the right direction..
chic_magnet said:
oh they'd buy these eco loving companies and shut them down.. heck they do have the money for it.. lol
This is not far fetched. If anyone has doubts then he should look up a documentary, "Who killed the electric car".