Indian government launches its own OS - 'BOSS'


BOSS - Bharat Operating System. I thought this was a parody/fakingnews kind of article, but turns out this is for real.

Indian govt to have its own operating system for official use. A highly improved and secured version of BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions) has been developed by C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing). Indian government is all set to release BOSS this month.

The new OS is believed to have been launched to overcome the vulnerabilities that exist in government cyberspace resulting in a number of countless attacks by hackers.

BOSS, which is a linux distribution, is developed with the help of Gujarat Technical University, DRDO and some other private computer manufacturers.
Also here:
Why they are making customizing the original OS to make it look simpler to use? They should instead teach people what is already use everywhere.
Indian version of snooping begins..

One more reason for delays in service or bribe extraction in Government offices.