indian telemarketers / call centres scamming

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i saw a Lot of youtube videos on how indian call centres and telemarketing are cheating /scamming the us ,uk and australian people in a lot of different ways and it was mildly amusing at first , then in the end left a mild bad taste in the mouth that these guys are nothing better than the nigerian lottery and it is reflecting so bad on us. Wonder why the guys doing this wont get jobs at regular call centres?
Bah.. as if we aren't targeted enough already. This is going to add more fuel to the xenophobia and outsourcing fire raging all over.
its ridiculous , they call up a random number and tell them that they are from microsoft support and ask you to open event viewer and tell them those are errors and if you pay us some money and also install their software , which lets them remote control their system , they will be clean from the errors :P , ingineous
kippu, I know some of those 'ammyy' guys through a forum. The whole thing provides them an easy way of making money. Charging 89-100 pounds per customer just seems too lucrative to let go. They really cant be deterred from doing that.
I am not defending those guys but there are loads of people who want access to easy money - by hook or crook.
its sad man, they are stealing and giving a bad name to the whole lot of us , i am sure they can make more money elsewhere
most indians are like this. i feel indians dont have a strong mind and will power to control their bad side. they fall to the evil side within seconds. poor people.
most indians are like this. i feel indians dont have a strong mind and will power to control their bad side. they fall to the evil side within seconds. poor people.

Happens with people who want to make some fast money
Sad part our country name is spoiled :nf02:
^^ those have now shifted to call centers where they will call you with information about an emergency case and take whatever money you offer above Rs 500...
^^ those have now shifted to call centers where they will call you with information about an emergency case and take whatever money you offer above Rs 500...

OOh is it ?

Last Friday i got a call from some Child Education/Orphanage asking for money. Before they could proceed further i disconnected the call. May be they were these scammers. There are people who get fooled easily.
It is because of these scammers, if someone actually wants to make donations with a good heart, they fear whether the money is going to scammers or someone who genuinely needs it.

Not related to scamming but somewhat similar, the beggers who often have very small babies in their hands while begging on streets, many/most of the times those small babies are hired on daily basis as it helps create more sympathy. I saw a TV report or documentary (don't remember) long time back related to this.
^^ Leave alone the scamsters, many of the so called genuine NGO's themselves are scamming people. They use the medical records of some old patients who was already operated upon to collect donations from the people. One of my friends told me about a case where the so called volunteers of an NGO were showing the photo and medical documents of some child to people and taking donations for an emergency surgery. In fact the child has already undergone surgery several years back and NGO itself had no role in it. They just got the photo and documents somehow (probably bribed some one at the hospital) and just using it. When the father of the girl learned about how they were misusing his daughters photo, he confronted them, but apparently he was just abused by them.
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