I am facing a weird problem at the 'Fountain of Confession" puzzle at the Vatican. The control to mov the boy statue (X Button) is not showing up at all and I'm unable to move the statue to the right! I've moved near the said statue, hovered around it, crouched near it but the control prompt does not pop up. It appears fine however for the Rung (RB) and the Man (X). I have tried re-loading from the last checkpoint save multiple times but it has not solved the issue. Also, since I have been using a controller with the game I even switched to KB and Mouse but still the button prompt for the Boy statue is missing. I can't progress any further in the game without solving this puzzle!
Has anyone else faced this annoying issue?
Here's a screenshot of the problem I'm facing...
Has anyone else faced this annoying issue?
Here's a screenshot of the problem I'm facing...