Why would small businesses and distributors buy goods from another country if they get them cheaper locally? Seriously, you need to come out of dream world. Do you even know the scale of manufacturing in China and what it takes to even reach half of it? Do you even know how China reached their current manufacturing? It all started more than 50 years ago with their policy changes. Make in India was the step in right direction but it is not enough. Blaming current MEA for not competing with China clearly shows how bad your understanding is.
Earlier you are saying that India should stop importing and make local. Now you are saying that EU must be made to import from India. Dont you think that they too are looking to reduce dependency outside? EU learnt a massive lesson when they relied too much on Russia and China. They are taking steps to be self-reliant. If you are blaming our MEA for their policy changes, your understanding is far worse than what I thought it is. Btw, we are doing pretty good in exports.
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US knows very well that they are being played at and they cannot do anything about it. Well, unless Trump wakes up some day with very bad mood and first news he gets is India doing something naughty. But then it would lead to major global issues. Look at the U-Turn with Mexico and Canada recently (tariffs). Btw, why are you bringing intelligence into this? India's dealings are very open, MEA directly said that they are still buying oil and other goods from Russia and they will continue to do so. We are also building a port in Iran and investing there and it is not a secret underground cave.
Are you hurt and trying to fight using this pointless blabbering because I asked you not to post hate comments? You should sit this discussion out. The way we handled Trudeau is known to everyone. Bugger ran to USA and USA released one statement asking India to cooperate and left it.
Sit this discussion out. You clearly have zero knowledge and are fully into 'I made comment without knowing, I will stand by it even if I am wrong' mode. This will be my last reply to your blabbering.
It was major push from the Soviets and from Indira. IIRC, she had traveled to many countries getting them onboards, so did they. And yes, having strong leaders to allow MEA have free hand matters a lot.
Oh yeah. I remember Jaswant-Talbott talks. Those early talks were crucial to get the deal later.
This is how it is right? You ask to release 100 when you want 20 in reality.