Linux India's Increasing Use Of Linux

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Linux Is Growin'...:cool2:

Bridging India's digital divide with Linux

By Ranjit Devraj

NEW DELHI - Anyone who doubts the power of Linux needs only to get hold of a nifty, hand-held device that the Indian army plans to give soldiers in its million-strong army. It is unlikely that Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, ever intended this open-source operating system to be put to military use. But it is a mark of the robustness of this revolutionary operating system that the Indian army is adopting it, and has now completed user trials on the device.
Called SATHI (short for situational awareness and tactical hand-held information, and Hindi for buddy), the 875-gram device helps soldiers coordinate with one another on the battlefield. It is one of the many spin-offs of a low-cost computer developed indigenously, the basic version of which is available on the market for about US$200.
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I agree that Linux is fast gaining acceptance but i think it will still take some time for it to become more user friendly as windows is.Applications for it also need to be increased,like games,and major softwares.

This is just my opinion. ;)
yeah it would be great if you can review one that works without crashing.
last time i checked i had followin probs with these apps
XMMS - each time one has to browse to the folder for adding individual files... the file browser always opens in root.
Mplayer - you have to install it each time you want to listen to songs....... it just crashes after that.
Musicmatch and others i havent tried.

BTW have these guys dveloped a wma plugin coz thats when ill touch linux ever again.
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