India's Proposal For Government Control of Internet To Be Discussed In Geneva

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The Indian Government is proposing to create an intergovernmental body 'to develop internet policies, oversee all internet standards bodies and policy organizations, negotiate internet-related treaties and sit in judgment when internet-related disputes come up.' This committee will be funded and staffed by the UN and will report to the UN General Assembly which effectively means the control of the internet passes on to World Governments directly.
I am thinking of starting a kickstarter whose goal is build a set of islands where there will be no Internet censorship and sell them . They will be costlier than the Palm in Dubai.
After trying to block 'offensive' posts on the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc), the govt. now wants to control the whole internet. I hope dearly that ICANN simply refuses to pass control.

The current situation with ICANN is not ideal, where the body is based & controlled by USA. But then, the USA has practically invented the internet (Arpanet back then).

However this situation is still far better off than giving the control in hands of morons like Kipal Sibal.

Nothing against the Congress specifically, just that our entire political class looks incapable of allowing true freedom. IIRC, when BJP was in power, Sushma Swaraj wanted to censor FTV and other TV channels. And of course, Mamata Banerjee will jail you if you happen to forward cartoons that use very gentle humour against her.
But this wont be as easy as using police force on protesters to suppress them. More powerful and technologically advanced govt were not able to achieve it except china(I'm looking at you sibal , you ignorant moron) .
Why not think about improving the country's infrastructure and law enforcement before jumping onto something that is going to affect a smaller percentage of the population ?
everyone these days wants to be BIG BOSS, never knowing the fact that they are digging pen their back graveyard.

India speaks of freedom, democracy to the world, what freedom do we actually have. The freedom of speech was long back taken off. So this is nothing new. They should regulate, I am not against that fact, for our own national security and safety. But is the government actually trying to do this? In my opinion, NO WAY! The govt is more concerned in removing defamatory remarks about its doing from the internet, you must be joking, we have such a pathetic mechanism in place.

The west brought SOPA, PIPA, and i dont what more. India will bring KICK THE INTERNET, LETS GO TO STONE AGE!
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