IndiaTimesShopping queries.

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A Nobody.
Hi all..

I purchased a small item, 400rs, one from last sunday.

No shipping details yet. or a email i send yesterday.


There was no status wether the item is in stock or not.

Are they reliable? just wanted to try out their service.:S

Any help...

From what I've heard, shopping on indiatimes, rediff etc. are not very reliable and are overpriced and better avoided. No first hand experience though.
I have never bought from Indiatimes shopping but I believe it is very similar to Rediff shopping. The sellers are all independent merchants and I don't believe that Indiatimes or Rediff actually stands any guarantee for the misdeeds of the seller.
So, though some may get good stuff and service, the risk level is high as compared to Ebay.
SO i send up a mail and i got a reply. weird it was put in junk. :S


We thank you for contacting Indiatimes Shopping.

We apologize for the delay in responding to you.

With reference to your mail dated - 13.12.10 for order number - XXXXXX, we would like to inform you that your payment has been verified on dated - 13.12.10 and same will be shipped within 07 working days from the date of payment verified. So, kindly wait for the same.

We thank you for your time and patience. We value you as our customer and your satisfaction is of most important to us.

For convenience please do not delete the interactions while replying.

With Regards,

Vikram - Customer Service

Indiatimes Shopping

Its the 8th day if i am not mistaken
From first hand experience I can say that Rediff and Indiatimes shopping is a great risk if there is any problem with the item. Customer service is almost non-existing and I had to write even to CEO of Rediff to get a refund not once but twice.
dont ever buy anything from indiatimes shopping, i once ordered a web domain, didnt get it even after 2 yrs..and got the refund after 3 years!
If the item is not shipped in time by the seller indiatimes automatically refunds the money, i got refund twice when the item wasnt shipped in the required time.
So the item was shipped yesterday.

On checking aramex tracking, the pin code is correct, but it shows destination as chennai. :S.

will that be a hub or soemthing?
just one word, PATHETIC, indiatimes n rediff both are very unorganised and unprofessional just by their looks, i cant even dare to try them.
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