Info regarding cloud storage: Dropbox

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.: deleted :.
I got 48 GB space in Dropbox free with my Mobile. Its said its free for 2 years and same is being displayed in Dropbox site.
But do anybody have any idea what will happen after 2 years?
Here's what they says :

But I didn't understand the exact words. Does this says my files will NOT get deleted and I will be able to access them for "life" only I cannot add anymore files?

I just want to be sure before uploading my stuffs - photos mainly.
Dropbox is damn costly. If I have to buy, I suppose Amazon is the cheapest with 20GB for 10$ per year.

And one more query, can I remote transfer my files from one Cloud Storage to another. Say from Google Drive to Dropbox.
(well, I have very slow upload speed. :P)

I can just comment on the pricing thing - Skydrive is the cheapest to my knowledge. They also charge in INR:

It means that after 2 years you can only access your files via a website, you can't add, edit, sync or delete your files, but you can read/copy them via the website interface.
But if you add, edit, sync or delete even 1 file, then either a) that file won't be available anymore or b) none of your files will be available till you upgrade your storage or delete some more files.
Regarding transferring files online, there's a guide here: Transfer Files Between Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive Online

But since you won't be transferring files for at least another 2 years, don't bother too much about it. Storage prices will have dropped, new companies will have entered the market, bandwidth will have become cheaper, and new techs will have emerged.
For now, just enjoy the free account.
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