Info required: Nitro Based fuels and kits availability in India

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I am planning to buy a RC car like the below



These run at around 80-100kms per hour and obviously need replacement of parts if crashed regularly:(

Also, these run on Nitro fuel and require something known as glow plug igniter/ (depending on model).

I was planning to buy one of these and getting it to India when I come back.

just wanted to know If I can source the fuel and spares in india and also if there's a RC Hobby website or spare parts site based in india.

Any help or directions would be good

For fans...sound demo from a Nitro car:)

Some random videos of Nitro cars if anyone is interested:)

EB-4 S3 4WD Nitro Powered Racing Buggy - Super Combo! - YouTube

Cen Racing MT-Spec 3.0 / NX Series Nitro RC Cars from - YouTube

Speed test:
You dont need NITRO as such....
YOu can use Methnol and Caster Oil... in 4:1 ration and you will get the desired results....
If needed I can find you the exact ration, its something like that...

I would suggest looking up for HPI, Tamiya, OFNA, or something more common, as replacement parts would be easier to find...Where are you gonna be located once in India?

If you need more help PM me, I have been bashing these cars and Planes all my life here in India (and abroad. ) so its no problem....

...but I would still suggest getting High Powered LiPO Battery operated ones, much much easier to mantain,...HPI has the FLUX series if you are looking for some serious power!! With Nitro, its a hassle to maintain, GlowPlugs, Cleaning, Starter issues, temperatures, etc are a few issues with Nitro.
Nice..good to see a veteran here:).

I saw Tamiya but its highly overpriced; more than 450$ for a 1/8 nitro buggy and 350 for a 1/10 electric buggy

We get some other brands, one of them is HSP which is preety popular and makes some good shit:)

I have the below in my mind for electric(battery) models; my range is around 10k per buggy and I will pickup 2-3 buggy's



I am thinking that sourcing batteries wouldn't be an issue as most brands will have same design. Am also looking to buy a monster truck that too electric


I would be in Bangalore
Monster Truck Electric... just get the HPI Savage FLUX, and forget about all others...(Don't look at the price though, its for 40K here locally, and about 700USD )

It will make you smile for a lifetime, buy some hop up parts (ie. Upgrade them from Plastic to Iodized Alu. ) and they will NEVER break :)

Bangalore has a an Aero-modelling club, you can use the same fuel as they use, it is fine...

but if you are a novice really no point in Nitro now, when LiPO's have so much power in them that they can make a 1/8 scale truck do standing back Flips...

The HPI is expensive, but if you want to spend on ONE instead of 2-3 I recommend it be this one....

YOu can also have a look at : they can provide you with help.

Also there are some local dealers of the products but I dont remember of the top of my head, that forum above should help you out.

As for my RC car collection:

1/10 Scale ( Elec. ):

Tamiya Hornet

Tamiya Manta Ray

1/10 Scale (Nitro.)

Tamiya Subaru Impreza

1/8 Scale (Nitro. )

Tamiya Terra Crusher.

OFNA Hyper


I have about 6 flyers, out of which at a time only 3 can be hooked up to radio systems so only 3 flyable at once...

NOTE: I am sorry I can't open those links,,,I am still in Office....maybe after like 2 hours will check em out.
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Nitro for RC cars is available in blore, around 700 per liter last time I asked. Dont remember where its available

BTW, I have a Tamiya porsche GT2 4wd 1:10 and pretty happy with it.

Why Nitro? you'll have to service the engine every 3 hours of use or so. Big PITA
Whoa....!!! loads of Info mate. Repped

And let me see if my current weigh allowance will allow me to take the HPI Savage

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BTW: @Infected...I checked the HPI savage prices here and its 920$ which is equivalent to around 48k INR:(:(

HPI Racing Savage Flux HP 1/8 brushless electric 2.4ghz CASTLE ESC | eBay

But I just loved the below video of the HPI. ..Blew my mind

HPI Savage Flux HP - Full Action Clip!! - YouTube

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Thanks for the info Sunny:) I was amazed by the sound of the Nitro RC's so decided to buy one.

But seeing all the drawbacks and time investments on Maintenance I am thinking of Electric cars itself.

SunnyBoi said:
Nitro for RC cars is available in blore, around 700 per liter last time I asked. Dont remember where its available

BTW, I have a Tamiya porsche GT2 4wd 1:10 and pretty happy with it.

Why Nitro? you'll have to service the engine every 3 hours of use or so. Big PITA
Yeah electric is the way to go now...

Unless you want Petrol...LOL..I love tempting people...

But yes the HPI savage Flux is on my list...

Just waiting for someone who will agree to bring it down for me,....

ther local HPI dealer in Mumbai has promised me some soon,,,but no news from him....
Well...u have tempted me more than enough for the is mind blowing.

Dude..lemme know how much the HPI dealer is quoting and probably I can also get myself to buy one:)

Infected said:
Yeah electric is the way to go now...

Unless you want Petrol...LOL..I love tempting people...

But yes the HPI savage Flux is on my list...

Just waiting for someone who will agree to bring it down for me,....

ther local HPI dealer in Mumbai has promised me some soon,,,but no news from him....
If you are beginner get a electric, nitro is fun but in places like bangalore you can't run them on the streets due to the excessive noise.You have to run them in a track. In a playground/roads the curious onlookers hamper your driving and trust me its a lot annoyance,with people touching,there safety and your car safety at risk,some unwanted comments,

Besides you will have to clean your car and the roads/grounds in india or bangalore has dog poo ,human spit(yuck) and what not the oil spurting out of the exhaust makes dirt and other stuff stick a lot more in nitro cars.

The fuel is very expensive the last time i bought the fuel was in nov 2010 and 4 litres costs 2k with 16% nitro.
.28 size engine is a overkill for buggy,they drink lots of fuel ,consumes around a 160ml in 10min of bashing.

Lastly its a money pit,i have spent more then a lakh on mine.
:O surprised to discover this hobby, never knew they did existed. I have been into RC Helicoptors but this one is wayy cool than what I assumed.

but one question that is being bugging me is ,
Kitna Deti hai?
Lastly its a money pit,i have spent more then a lakh on mine.

....ain't every hobby...

The HPI savage Flux is alone 40K, then LiPO's will set you back another 10K, add some Hop ups and lotsa spares, can go to one lac easily....
^I lakh is a little high for my consideration as I consider myself to be a beginner although I have been playing with RC since I was 5. But all those RC's are small compared to the one's we are talking here:)

I am thinking of getting 1-2 electric ones @50KMPH for 10k. we get a brand called as HSP here.


mate, I think out of 1:5 , 1:10, 1:16.......... i:10 is the best option as 1:5 would use a lot of battery and would be easily damaged on crashes. Whereas 1:16 would be quite tiny. 1:10 would give me good size and probably a battery life of 30 mins (ni-MH batteries).

Or do u think 1:16 is more suited for a beginner like me?

BTW: here I am getting

1:16 for 100$

1:10 for 140$

so not much of a difference in price.
Its better to get started with a 1:10 scale or 1:12,if you want to get a good radio then better get it from abroad in your carry in luggage,othewise importing it can be a problem especially in cities like bangalore where nowdays you get a customs letter for every damn parcel.

1:16 is just too small.I started with 1:12 scales buggy and monster truck and graduated directly to 1:8 scale nitro back to 1:8 scale electric.
Or do u think 1:16 is more suited for a beginner like me?

BTW: here I am getting

1:16 for 100$

1:10 for 140$

so not much of a difference in price.

I would say going with the 1/10 scale one. Should be more durable than the 1/16 one....

I have not had any RC below 1/10 so can't comment much on those....
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