Ink tank vs Laser?

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Boss has asked me to buy a printer for the office - last time I bought a printer was ~10 years ago, I got the standard Brother b/w laser printer. It's always been my impression that laser is more expensive in fixed cost and cheaper in per page printing and inkjets are cheaper to purchase but more expensive to run. However, people have told me recently that the introduction of the ink tank models has kind of ended the old Gillette-style business model of the printer companies. Is it now better to purchase an ink tank inkjet rather than a laser, since inkjets usually have better print quality and color inkjets are relatively affordable whereas color lasers are quite expensive? Or is the ink tank thing a gimmick?
Boss has asked me to buy a printer for the office - last time I bought a printer was ~10 years ago, I got the standard Brother b/w laser printer. It's always been my impression that laser is more expensive in fixed cost and cheaper in per page printing and inkjets are cheaper to purchase but more expensive to run. However, people have told me recently that the introduction of the ink tank models has kind of ended the old Gillette-style business model of the printer companies. Is it now better to purchase an ink tank inkjet rather than a laser, since inkjets usually have better print quality and color inkjets are relatively affordable whereas color lasers are quite expensive? Or is the ink tank thing a gimmick?
Ink Tanks are not a gimmick. But they are not meant for office usage.

I switched from a laser to an inktank a few years ago. I am glad that I did because printing is actually dirt cheap. However, this is speaking purely from a home usage POV where the avg print volume is low (typically less than 50 pages a week)
IN a high volume scenario , lasers will be more reliable, faster and will require less upkeep
The running costs for B/W laser are still comparatively lower than Inktank if your printing volumes are high and mostly B/W. No idea about those color laserjets though.
If it is office, Then laser. B&W is preferred unless there is real need for color.
Ink tank's are decent. I have one, The problem with them is after a year or two the Ink Absorber pads will be full, and printer will stop printing. One day suddenly you will have air in the ink tubes and your colors prints will not be proper. you would need to do a system cleaning, Which will use ink and fill you printers diapers (Yes, I replaced them a week back). I have had this printer for 3 years and may have printed 2000-3000 pages, ink cost is negligible. Pain in ass when you need a printout in blue moon is next level.
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yeah ink tanks don't like sitting idle. air gets into the tubes and you'll need to service it. not too expensive (cost me 300 or so ) but having to carry it all the way to the svc is a pain
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yeah ink tanks don't like sitting idle. air gets into the tubes and you'll need to service it. not too expensive (cost me 300 or so ) but having to carry it all the way to the svc is a pain
You don’t need to go to the service center for this.
A firmware triggered ink priming is all that’s needed.
Just look up the service manual for your model for the relevant key combo to do this.

On a side note, the best workaround for these issues is to setup a script (or scheduled task of using windows) to fire a simple rgb page every few days
I tried all the stuff in the manuals and the utilities. Though things improved, they didn't get fixed.
I tried all the stuff in the manuals and the utilities. Though things improved, they didn't get fixed.
which model is it.
The priming sequence won’t be available in the end user facing manual and utilities.
For the canon g3000, i had to trawl through reddit to find a service manual which had the key combo sequence required to do this
which model is it.
The priming sequence won’t be available in the end user facing manual and utilities.
For the canon g3000, i had to trawl through reddit to find a service manual which had the key combo sequence required to do this
Mine is an Epson L6150. It had a regular head clean you could trigger from the phone app, and deep clean you needed to use the windows app for, and you could use only once a day. Neither worked
Interesting. I have a Canon G5070 Inktank. Any idea if this has one
i suppose it should be the same as g3000

This is what i had jotted down in my notes. the last one is what you need. IIRC you dont need to be in servicce mode for this and just the last line was enough.
The printer kept making all sorts of noises for the next 10 mins but was as good as new after that.

(Service mode) Printer off Hold the stop button then press the power button and keep holding the power button. Release the stop button. Press the stop button 5 times then release the power button.

(Waste ink tank reset) While in service mode Press the stop button 5 times then the power button once wait for it to reset and run a page.

Then press the stop key 3 times then the power button wait for the printer to print out a page then turn of the printer.

(Ink filling)(air bubbles in pipes) Turn on printer Press and hold the stop button for about 5 seconds for 5 flashes and release.
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Yes, I have the G3000, It's the 2nd Time I had to search a Youtube video in which Top Comment gives the solution. Steps are easy. Then I opened the back panel and saw how wet the Absorption pads were, Ordered them online ~450 Rs, Replaced them myself. Should be trouble free 1 year now.

I think OP should Get a Color Laser for Office, Would have less maintenance and office should be able to handle the expenses.
B&W Lasers are zero maintenance. My brother laser has been working forever. Print costs are pretty low too - 2k for a genuine toner cartridge that prints 3000 pages. Inkjets/Ink Tank printers are always more trouble than you need if you print high volumes.
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