Inputs needed on Alcatel OT i650 Mobile Phone


I am planning to pick up a basic phone which i will be using only for texting and nothing else ;).I thought of getting the Nokia 1209 but Mano pointed me to get the Alcatel OT i650 Mobile Phone .I want to know more about this phone.

1) How good is the phone's keypad when it comes to texting??
2) I know Mobile store provides warranty in India but i am in NZ so looking for a reliable phone ,Is the brand reliable??
3) What is the battery back up on the phone??
4) Does the phone have T9 dictionary similar to Nokia phones??
5) Can the phone keypad take the extensive abuse of texting 200 sms per day ??

Regarding the brand's reliability, these phones are not manufactured by the French company Alcatel anymore.
They are now made by TCL China. I was about to buy one myself, but once I came to know about this, I changed my mind.
I don't mean to say Chinese products are all crap, but still with no proper service centers, it's better to stay away from this company.

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Note that the SAR value is quiet high, if that matters...