INQ verdict on a month with the Playstation 3!!!

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WE'VE NOW HAD over a month to play with our Playstation 3, and due to the large degree of negative press coverage surrounding the console, we'd thought it useful to give feedback on how the system actually plays after our long term 'test'. It was a real hardship, but we've managed to bring you the report.

The first thing that strikes you when you remove the console from its packaging, is the sheer size and weight of the beast. The Japanese must really struggle to fit it in their pod capsules. But it's sleek, shiny and sexy, and certainly striking next to a lovely new Bravia.

Some of the weight is down to the console containing the power supply internally. The bulky, lengthy, and hot, supply of the Xbox 360 is quite a pain, and it's quite nice to have it all under one roof.

Turning on the system produces a lovely Sony Computer Entertainment logo, tune and classy wave, which then appears as the background in the main interface. The interface is built upon the Sony defacto XMB interface, first seen in the PSP. It's not the best interface ever, but it does the job, and everything is speedily accessible. It also looks quite sleek, like the rest of the console.

The most striking new addition to the interface is the online store. Much has been made of Sony's first foray into a proper implementation of an on-line console, people often touting Microsoft's lead in the arena, but the Playstation Network store is far superior to Microsoft's mishmash Xbox 360 offering.

Similar to a well designed web-page, everything is easily navigable, smartly presented, and all in one place. Microsoft needs to take lessons on how to provide an online store, Sony's should serve as a very good example.

Signing up to the Playstation Network meant that a Blu-ray copy of James Bond Casino Royale popped through our door several days later. Again, we were impressed at the Blu-ray implementation on the device, and coupled with the Bluetooth remote control we had additionally purchased, the movie was easy to navigate, and an absolute joy to watch on an HDTV.

The difference between DVD and the new HD format was instantly recognizable, and the PS3 does a tremendous job of playback, with the minimum noise. Again, Microsoft take note, the 360 is almost unbearable to use as a playback device.

We've always been dismissive of Playstation consoles in the past for their instantly recognizable graphical 'features'. The PS3's graphics on the overhand, suffer none of the usual Sony wear and tear, and are stunningly represented. Though, we can't see any advantages over an Xbox 360 yet.

We've play tested a few of the downloadable network games, Flow is stunning and fun to use on the Sixaxis tilt pad, but mainly spent our time playing Motorstorm and Resistance.

Resistance is easily on par with the majority of the best FPS out there at the moment, and the fact it's set in the UK only adds to its fun. Motorstorm is damn fun to play, and the thumping sound-track is a great way to instill a headache - we only wish we could add our own tracks. Dune buggy would be an instant addition.

We're not particularly impressed with the Sixaxis joypads. The loss of rumble isn't particularly a disadvantage like most have discussed, but the pad could do with some more weight, and the design still isn't anywhere near as good as the 360. Any FPS shooters ensure your hands suffer after a brief play.

The tilt seems way over sensitive. Hopefully this can be rectified in better SDKs as time goes on, but it's certainly no Wiimote.

Overall we're thoroughly impressed with the console. It's sleek, it's powerful, it's quiet, the games look awesome, and the online element has been done incredibly well.

Is it worth £425 though? No. Either go to Japan and get one half price like we did, or wait until the price drops.

A good review...finally someone appreciating Sony's efforts....though they have to do a lotta things to catch up with M$....come'on Sony churnout some good software for your console...
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