Insanely tough mission in Prototype??

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Jason Bourne

Hi everyone,

Just finished Prototype on PC(installed on 25th July,11:45PM).... Loved the game. At first when i started,i was shocked to see below par graphics of a nex gen game.... But the gameplay makes up more than enough for it..... Though in later missions i understand that it might be a good decision that they choose to keep graphics low coz battle gets so intense in the later stages of the game that even a decent crysisable PC would have stuggled to keep 30FPS had the graphics been anywhere near crysis. Leaving that alone, did anyone who has finished the game noticed that the Elizabeth Green Mission towards the end is insanely tough. I played the whole game without cheats but in this mission i had to use health cheat. Even after using that i spent more than half an hour in that mission..... Has anyone been able to complete it without cheat????
P.S: Story was damn dark but i loved it. Also loved the fact that they left a hint in the end which clearly indicates a sequel.... So bring it on....:P:P
It was tough but nothing that cannot be done without cheats.

I just ran into the side alleys to regain HEALTH and avoid the green spheres[whatever they were , stolen from HL1 IMO] , come charging in and pick up vehicles and throw them at her. When she's down then slash her open :P. Did this for around 3~4 times , off course my hands were aching , but was fun nonetheless .
I've completed it and agree that the Greene mission was crazy tough! I remember it being more towards the middle rather than the end of the game though. I felt the final boss was easier than Greene. And no, I didn't use any cheats, just died abt 10-20 times. :D
use the tab key to lock on to the 'legs' of the thingy. one by one u can destroy the two legs and then bring down the main body
The greene mission was quite tough; my strategy was to use the armour power and hammerfist. Scale the tall buildings surrounding greene and drop down using elbow drop. This worked 9 times out of 10. Once the base was sufficiently damaged. i'd whip out the blade power and slash away. if you time it right a devastator attack works wonders.
I Just wanna finish the story, i thought green mission is the last mission due to insane toughness thus used the health cheat but after tha i played normal. Last boss is real easy one, just use devastater attacks and then grab him

P.S: Did anyone noticed stiking similarity in Mocaps of Alex Mercer and Spider MAn from Spiderman Web OF shadows. I didnt checked this out but even engine looked very very similar, where world is in low lighting but player looks fantastic. Even Story of both games

is so similar. A virus outbreak and quarantine......
HMmm. Did not find it too tough. Actually you had to find a weakness, and then repeat it.

I just used to go atop a tall building just above Greene when i was in Critical Mass, and then as soon as i heard her bullet things mash into the brick, jump on top of her and use the Air GroundSpike Devastator and land on her with it, it would expose her and then just use it again if possible, or use the blade to wreck havok. After the 1st checkpoint, tanks are available so use those after the AGD attack. If you are low on health, just run into the alleys and defeat the Hunters are consume the infected there and you are back on track :P
i have completed it without cheats i just used to steal the tanks and do damage to elizabeth green den would monsters keep on coming and dont deserve any attention :)
I completed that level without using cheats too. Heck, I can't remember the last time I used cheats in any game for that matter. No wait may be I do, it was for NecroVision. :P

Anyway Elizabeth Greene was easily defeat-able provided you hack enough military vehicles & use it as an offense towards her. It's more helpful than those devastator attacks. A single missile fired from either a tank or a chopper takes out a great deal of health. Although it took me nearly an hour & a half to defeat her.

The biggest pain in the ass for me was the Supreme Hunter. It was only after, like 10-15 tries, I found out spamming devastator attacks & engage into a button mashing sequence to drain it's health. :P
^ I agree. Supreme hunter. Had to look up hints. In the end, i had to use my least used in the game Muscle Mass power to defeat him.
I had completed the game without cheat and I defeated greenie using devastator move.I had used (Air GroundSpike Devastator) which erects spikes from the ground while we are in air.
H@cKer said:
I had completed the game without cheat and I defeated greenie using devastator move.I had used (Air GroundSpike Devastator) which erects spikes from the ground while we are in air.

Yeah we did it together.It was seriously insanely tough.Died couple of times:P

But it was fun playing the game:)
due it is not insanely tough at all it just takes a long time the thing about prototype is you can finsih the missions in the way you like
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