3 Inspirational tales to tell!
Mayb inspirational nfh 2 many,so here posting:
Mayb inspirational nfh 2 many,so here posting:
Inspirational Tales1
Thirty years ago he was diagnosed with leukemia. Convinced that he had just a short time to live he made the decision to become a Buddhist monk. Today Abbot Archan Poosit is not just alive -- he is saving lives -- the lives of over a dozen tigers in the jungles of Thailand. He and his monastery are the caretakers of 18 tigers that were brought to him after being abused by poachers. They took them in with no formal training in wildlife care -- except that of a way of being that teaches love and kindness to all beings. Today they have established a unique relationship of mutual trust with the tigers that continues to amaze and delight the rest of the world!
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . FEATURE . Buddhist Tiger Temple . April 15, 2005 | PBS
Inspirational Tales2
Sandy Greenberg was struck blind while studying at Columbia University. How did he manage to stay in school? His roommate read his textbooks to him -- every night. Not a commitment that many would find easy to make. Sandy went on to graduate with honors. Not long after he got a call from his roommate, who told him unhappily that he no longer wanted to be in grad school -- he wanted to sing instead. And he needed $500 to make a promo record. Sandy took his life savings and sent it to his roommate, saying simply, "He made my life; I needed to help make his." The name of Sandy’s roommate? Art Garfunkel! Sandy’s check helped cut the record fated to become the platinum hit "The Sounds of Silence". Read the full story and more in William Brody’s inspiring commencement address urging youth to remember that what we get depends a lot on what we give.
Johns Hopkins University | Commencement 2005
Mayb the MIND is Still Over the MATTER!Inspirational Tales3
Daniel Tammet lives with extraordinary ability and disability. He can't drive a car or tell right from left. But he can figure out cube roots quicker than a calculator and holds the European record for recalling pi to the furthest decimal point. Daniel is an "Autistic savant" -- a term that refers to individuals with autism who have extraordinary mental skills. But while most savants can't tell us how they do what they do -- Daniel can. He describes in detail what he sees in his head and some researchers believe he can help unlock some of the mysteries of autism. Tammet’s message to the world? "I memorized pi to 22,514 decimal places, and I am technically disabled. I just wanted to show people that disability needn't get in the way."
Daniel Tammet - The Incredible Brain