Mac OS Installing Mac OS in intel machine

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hi everyone,

Can any one help me to install Mac OS on my intel desktop
Processor- Intel Core i3 2120 3.3GHz
Motherboard- Intel DH61WW
RAM- Kingston DDR3 4GBx1

Kindly help me :)
Hey young_chap,

Your Proc+Mobo combo should work just fine. I think you will need to put in a compatible graphics card though. Most of the AMD Radeon 5xxx and 6xxx are OS X compatible ones. Remember to run OS X nicely on a non-apple machine, you will have to get your DSDT file perfect. It takes time but will happen.
1. Using iBoot and 10.6 snowleopard.dmg , I have installed MAC OS X.
2. Then I have update it 10.6.8 with comboupdate.dmg.
3. Then I have use Multibeast for boot loader.

Now I am using MAC. But lots of problem. I can't use my internet connection. LAN cable is connected and light is blinking but no reply from server in MAC OS. Whatever it is I want to ignore.

Now I want to installed mountain Lion.
Please help me the procedure...

My config:
CPU: i5 2500K
MOB: Z68XP-UD3R 1.0
RAM: 4*2GB Sniper
GPU: 560Ti

Thanks in advance..
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