There seems to be common misconception that installing Mac OS X on a non-apple computer is illegal. This is not true if you buy the retail version from apple( way cheaper than windows). Of course, the U.S. Federal District Court ruled Psystar( a company which was selling pre-installed PC's with Mac OS) violated Apple's copyrights, but this ruling has absolutely no effect in India. Furthermore, if you buy the retail version and Install it on a PC, you are not breaking Copyright laws but rather Apple's license agreements. I have asked a friend of mine who is a lawer (a very good one), he has told me that EULA's have absolutely no effect in India. When you press "I agree" in India, no binding legal contract is made between you and Apple. EULA's are also not contracts in many European countries. The other main issue is that to run Mac OS on PC's you will have to break Apple's encryption which is illegal in the U.S. This was done with dsmos.kext which was a decryption kext. But, thanks to the genius of Netkas who introduced fakesmc which is an opensource SMC emulator, this is no longer needed. The legality of this kext is still questionable but so far Apple has done nothing. Just remember that the laws vary from country to country ( smoking weed!). There is nothing illegal in running Mac OS as long as you are in India. Check this post for reference :-