Intel core i7 920 (D0)

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Selling on behalf of a good friend.

Location: Mumbai.

(1) Item for sale:
Intel Core i7 920 (D0) (On Hold)
Price: Rs.10,301/-

In good condition. :)
Original stock hsf unused, in good condition.
Bought from Prime ABGB iirc.
Less than a year old- will update exact details soon.
Checking for bill and purchase details.
Approx 2 years manufacturer/distributor warranty. :)
Reason for sale:
New chip/s incoming. :)

Other comments:
Only for local buyers or those who can arrange pick up.
Please PM/post only if genuinely interested. :)

Update: Added mobo pics due to-
Combo deal with X58-UD5 possible- bump.
Gigabyte X58-UD5, bought in June 2009 iirc but used for 2-3 months at the most.
Lies box-packed as backup mobo..
Board/combo sale is still not confirmed 100% unless someone is keen on buying combo.
May come up in some time as he may get something else from the US/SG.
If anyone wants combo, they may have to wait till new board arrives.
Cpu+mobo combo price will be 21-22K mostly.
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