agm203 said:Guys please let me know if he should go for Q9550 and if its worth 16-17k for his need?or E8500 is fine and will suffice his need atleast for a year?thanks
automata said:Same question for me as well .shuld i go for Q9550 +low end mobo (my budget 20 k) or Q6600 + high end mobo and oveclock it.
BIKeINSTEIN said:Most users i know buy a 95W or higher Quad, OC it and increase consumption further and game for like 4 hrs on a average and download on it for the rest of the time. 70-80% of the time, they never touch full utilisation of all cores.
Using quads for regular Pcs should be made illegal imho. :rofl:
well dont assume that if you dont know how to overclock now, you wont oc once you have the hardware...agm203 said:...well he dont know how to overclock same is the case with me so.... :ashamed: ...
agm203 said:Ok have ordered E8500 + Gigabyte P35
i have a question-At 1440/900 resolution HD4850 will do fine for most of the games at medium to high setting or any other Gpu like ATi 4870 or 260(216) would be better?and is 7-8k more compered to 4850 is worth paying?thanks
agm203 said:Where does Nvidia 260 216 sonic version(the one in market section-KMD) stands compared to ATI 4870?
rutvijt said:Depends on Resolution, Game used to compare and Driver used!
Going by recent reviews, both are even steven ATM.
Gunman said:Eh? :S
Going by the reviews, the GTX 260 216 is better the 4870 512MB version in most of the games. Expensive though!
Nothing is future proof baba.RoBoGhOsT said:get a 4870 1gb for around 14k from kmd . its 239$ shipped on NE . though 4850 would be enough for 1440x900 but still 1gb card will be more future proof . if u want local warranty only then get 4850 locally .
agm203 said:Hii frnz,Well again i need your advice.need a psu for E8500+P35+4GB Ram+HD4850+2 HDD+DVD-RW but i want something which is future proof as i know Vx450 can take this config easily but then if later on i go for a quad etc then i am sure will have to go for a new psu which i dont want to do.budget is around 6k (+- 500) Which would be good i am inclined towards Corsair 550/650 but then they are overpriced thats what i think but is it worth? so would like to know which one to go for?Corsair,Tagan,Coolermaster? thanks
Edit:- And can someone tell me whats Modular?and what difference does it make?
A modular power supply is a relatively new approach to cabling, allowing users to omit unused cables. Whereas a conventional design has numerous cables permanently connected to the power supply, a modular power supply provides connectors at the power supply end, allowing unused cables to be detached from the power supply, producing less clutter, a neater appearance and less interference with airflow. It also makes it possible to supply a wider variety of cables, providing different lengths of Serial ATA power connectors instead of Molex connectors.
While modular cabling can help reduce case clutter, they have often been criticized for creating electrical resistance. Some third party websites that do power supply testing have confirmed that the quality of the connector, the age of the connector, the number of times it was inserted/removed, and various other variables such as dust can all raise resistance. However, the amount of this resistance in a good connector is small compared to the resistance generated by the length of the wire itself.