WE ASKED around whether Intel's new chipset supports HDMI and we learned that it doesn't. Intel next generation chipset graphic core won't be able to do HDMI. Intel can change the position of the G letter all it wants, but G965 just won't cut it. The company will still be fine as its red friend ATI will have one that will be capable of doing it.
HDMI only works with very expensive high end plasma or other flatscreen TVs but not even every of those have one. The basic idea is to get audio and video through one cable. You can even get 5.1 or higher through the same single cable.
Intel can not keep up with these new video and graphic standards and that is why it needs someone like ATI to step in with the new stuff. We do know that G965 has support Windows Vista premium ready program.
Intel G965 boards are already partially finished as we saw many of them at CeBIT. The planed release date is Computex, first week of June 2006, so it will be a while until those boards get a chance to run a final code of Vista and its premium program.
WE ASKED around whether Intel's new chipset supports HDMI and we learned that it doesn't. Intel next generation chipset graphic core won't be able to do HDMI. Intel can change the position of the G letter all it wants, but G965 just won't cut it. The company will still be fine as its red friend ATI will have one that will be capable of doing it.
HDMI only works with very expensive high end plasma or other flatscreen TVs but not even every of those have one. The basic idea is to get audio and video through one cable. You can even get 5.1 or higher through the same single cable.
Intel can not keep up with these new video and graphic standards and that is why it needs someone like ATI to step in with the new stuff. We do know that G965 has support Windows Vista premium ready program.
Intel G965 boards are already partially finished as we saw many of them at CeBIT. The planed release date is Computex, first week of June 2006, so it will be a while until those boards get a chance to run a final code of Vista and its premium program.