CPU/Mobo Intel Pays AMD $1.25 billion

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Well well well...

Please remember to thank Intel if AMD manages to come out of the rut and bring some exciting stuff in near future :P

AMD and Intel Announce Settlement of All Antitrust and IP Disputes

SUNNYVALE/SANTA CLARA, Calif. --11/12/2009

Intel Corporation and Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) today announced a comprehensive agreement to end all outstanding legal disputes between the companies, including antitrust litigation and patent cross license disputes.

In a joint statement the two companies commented, "While the relationship between the two companies has been difficult in the past, this agreement ends the legal disputes and enables the companies to focus all of our efforts on product innovation and development."

Under terms of the agreement, AMD and Intel obtain patent rights from a new 5-year cross license agreement, Intel and AMD will give up any claims of breach from the previous license agreement, and Intel will pay AMD $1.25 billion. Intel has also agreed to abide by a set of business practice provisions. As a result, AMD will drop all pending litigation including the case in U.S. District Court in Delaware and two cases pending in Japan. AMD will also withdraw all of its regulatory complaints worldwide. The agreement will be made public in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Intel Pays AMD $1.25 Billion To End All Antitrust and IP Disputes - HotHardware
^ or was it actually the other way ? to prevent AMD sinking Intel somehow (whatever, however) ? i mean Intel might have really dug on this to go ahead and 'pay' AMD to do this , which means somewhere they did think things might not go their way....

anyways....it does help AMD's financial sheet too....and alls well that ends well :D
Or maybe intel just wants AMD to exist and be Nvidia's PITA of longer :P considering NV plans to take on Intel in near future j/k
yes very much possible, whatever it was , yet again Intel played a smart move here. i'm sure $1.25 billion is the only disclosed amount. Intel not only let them not sink further / indirectly gave some financial boost / like u said above make nvidia :@ but also get all the cases against them closed.

so well , bottom line how does the end user benefit, do we have a pricedrop coming :P :|
well as i foresee a price reduction is difficult

the settlement has been done

now i dont see AMD going for the cutthroat ism with intel

the consumer might not benefit

And yes intel do want AMD to stay afloat

but the settlement do was dirt cheap

around one forth/half would be the legal bills

Intel's cash will help AMD

Won’t save it

2010 will be a tough year for AMD. Intel was generous enough to save AMD and give it 1.25 billion for a bit of unfair competition and some patent claims, and it said that Globalfoundries and AMD are ok to keep using its x86 license.

This happened at a critical time for AMD, as the company just presented its 2010 roadmap that lacks any cutting edge products. In the desktop space will have the Thuban 6 core 45nm CPU and in Q2 2010 it will have a new Deneb core revision and that is about it.

AMD has high 45nm hopes for its mobile roadmap, but as of January Intel will ship 32nm chips almost a year ahead of AMD, if not even longer. The server roadmap looks ok for AMD, but Nehalem is definitely more dominant architecture and let's not forget Core i3, i5 and i7 are definitely faster than Phenom and Athlon chips.

AMD is struggling with its $3.2 billion debt and Intel’s generous $1.25 billion will definitely win back some investor confidence, but we believe that AMD is heading towards many negative quarters in 2010.

The sudden and quite unexpected news that Intel will give AMD $1.25 billion boosted AMD’s shares from $5.34 to $6.5 or more than 20 percent.

This kind of confirms our conspiracy theory that we shared with many industry insiders that Intel will find a way to save AMD from itself and bankruptcy. The reason behind is that without AMD, Intel would definitely be in a monopolist position and US and EU regulatory agencies don’t like that.

Keeping AMD alive until they get back on track with competitive products in 2011 is Dirk Meyer's new game.

Fudzilla - Intel's cash will help AMD
Now Now!!

Does any one rmemeber the $1 settlement intel did with AMD long time ago???;)

So I guess this is pretty much similar. So NOT every thing can be counted in money!

We just dont know the fine print !

Its not like 5 year old are handling AMDs legal n financial portfolios!

As I see it there have been pretty anti intel lawsuits for malpractices (Dell 1Bn $ payout to remain intel arnd 2004)

N yeah it wouldnt have closed intel but would have surely bleeded it.

This is smart move for both. (If AMD had won, intel would have to pay but neither could have made any CPUs ( Well intel could launch P4 cells as multicore - AMD tech but that would be pretty insane!!)

AMD would have got some Tech. transfer which would have been out of its original cross licensing agreement.

Yeah AMD had rough time but its not as if it dint had any sales! It wouldnt have shut down either! But would have been very much crippled without the $$s and The END may be in visible future!
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