CPU/Mobo Intel Pentium D Model 820 and Pentium 4 670

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Intel Pentium D Model 820 and Pentium 4 670

May 26, 2005

By Loyd Case

Let's get the most exciting news out of the way first: Intel is launching its Pentium D processor line today, and the price of the 2.8Ghz Pentium D is listed as $241 (in quantities of 1000)! It's likely that initial processors in the channel will be pricier, but once the early demand is filled, you should be able to find a CPU for well under $300--maybe even approaching $250. To put this in context, AMD's lowest-cost desktop dual-core processor, the Athlon 64 X2 4200+, costs about $537 (in quantities of 1000). Meanwhile, Intel's Pentium D 840, which clocks at 3.2GHz, will cost $530 in lots of 1,000 units.

Should You Buy One?

The answer is a qualified yes. In some cases, the dual-core 820 performs reasonably well, given the inherent limitations of the Prescott core. Although Intel has been trying to differentiate between the 840 Extreme Edition and the Pentium Ds with Hyper-Threading, it may have been better just to enable Hyper-Threading in the entire line. At under $300, though, the model 820 is almost an impulse buy, if you feel like experimenting with dual-core technologies.

On the other hand, the 3.80GHz Pentium 4 670 is a bit of a puzzle. It almost seems like an "Extreme Edition killer", with essentially the same performance as the 3.73GHz P4EE, but $150 cheaper. That lower price is still well north of $800, so it's certainly not a terrific value. If you need a high-performance EM64T processor, then it's probably a better choice than the Extreme Edition.

Read the complete report at: [rank=www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1558,1820768,00.asp]ExtremeTech.com[/rank]
I would rather go with the AMD Athlon 64 X2
Who wants to buy a new board and DDR2 RAM just for getting a Dual Core chip ?

X2 is sweet as it works on current boards and doesnt need DDR2 RAM.

Whats more, it is much better a product than Intel's
Just posted the info darky.

Me too prefer AMD over Intel becoz of its Single S939 which has all its latest killer CPU's on that same socket
Hey guys !~!!~~~~~
How many of u have $500+++ to get a X2 ?????? None or i guess i should say only 1 ?????
Well x2's are faaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr better than the pentium D's but who can buy them ???? i mean who can afford them here in India ??????? NONE

For a consumer who lives in india a Pentium D 820 will be preffered over the 3500+ and the P4 630 3.0ghz. Also the p4 630 and 3500+ and Pentium D 820 cost around the same figure. Also i remember checking at anandtech.com or tomshardware.com ( dont seem to remember) that for 15k indian rupees the Pentium D trashes the other two. !!!!!!!!!
Also I've heard Zenith india has also released the dual core pc pentium D for just 45k
SOOOOOOO I'd put my money on the pentium D in terms of its pricing. !!!
Do i make a point ????

All prices mentioned here are in indian rupees. except the $500++ price) :cool2: :rofl: :hap2:
If you can give us a link and prove that the Pentium D is better than AMD 64 in gaming, then we will discuss it....
Daedelus said:
For a consumer who lives in india a Pentium D 820 will be preffered over the 3500+ and the P4 630 3.0ghz.
Nikhil said:
If you can give us a link and prove that the Pentium D is better than AMD 64 in gaming, then we will discuss it....
@ Daedelus: From your Anandtech link, the A64 3500+ does do much better than the Pentium D in Gaming as Nikhil said . So its not an ego problem :)

P.s: Try to use fewer exclamation marks ;)
See jude,

I am not egoisitic. I am just saying facts as they are.... The Pentium D is good for multitasking. And if it is mainly multitasking we were talking abt, then we would recommend an Intel P4 with HT over an AMD 64.

So, you see, please don't get over excited and use lesser excalmation marks......

And you haven't been at this forum long enough.... If I am wrong I will accept it.... It happened in a discussion abt X800 XL vs 6800Gt.

And you should know that even on TT, if I am wrong, I will always accept it. We are all humans and make mistakes..... I am not GOD as you say......
I'll not use any more exclamation marks ! (is one enough ) ? ;-)

Quad-- Tell me will u game 24x7 ? No. right ! Same everywhere ! a hardcore gamer is not defined by the specs. of his system. it his defined how good he plays. also by the no. of frags in unit time! ;-) lol
No indian ( 1 in every 100000) will buy a pc and use the pc only for gaming and the casual music hearing.

Tell me what would one prefer a 3500+ or a Pent. D 820 ? (since both cost around the same figure.)
Also AMD is not doing its part at spearding the word and now also its x2's are priced soaring high ! one will feeling dizzing whenlooking at the price. !

I'd say that the Pent.D 820 is the best for low-level enthusiast's. I'm saying that overall the Pent.D is better than all the single threaded AMD's

Also lets check what the pressler and the cedar mill cores turnout against the pacifier turn out to be. ? what say ?
NO ! Mainly for gaming and if the pockets are tight then i suggest a 3500+ if the pockets are a bit loose then a Pent. D
The pentium D 820 is way too slow for games. If you game even a bit, stay away from it. For office apps its fine! The two cores are not of much use until multithreaded apps come along. By then the AMD dual cores would have fallen in price by a lot. It was the same with the Athlon 64. At lauch it costed around 500$ for the 3200+. By the time I bought my 3000+ cpu (around 8 months after A64 launch), prices had fallen to 270-280$ for it and around 220$ for the 3000+. (yeah its an original C0 clawhammer with half the cache disabled :P) Its gonna be the same with the dual cores as well.
IMO also Pentium D 820 should be purchased instead of Athlon64 3500+
Check this thread out http://www.techenclave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4932
It suggests that 5-30% increase is expected when you install new drivers on a dual core system.This is just the begining, games will also start becoming optimized for dual core soon.....then you will really see the benifits of Dual Core CPU over the single core one.So if you really wanna make an investment, go for a dual core, if u upgrade your systems regularly, then only you're better off with Athlon64
the pricing of the pentium dual cores is very good...
and those who are already into multi-threaded apps would obviously prefer the dual cores.. and would immediately see performance gains...
my amd dealer told me that india is the 3rd largest market for intel... if thats true.. for sure intel will find a lot of buyers here.. most of em won`t see performance.. they`ll see the BRAND... intel.... and intel will capture a sizable market...

IMHO.. intel dual cores wont be competing with amd dual cores for sometime but with amd socket 754 and 939 single core procies...
but this is exactly where intel might loose out.. for dual cores you need a whole new system...
but for amd the platform is already there.. and many people have amd 939 mobos here too...
so in the end.. amd might turn out to be cheaper.. cause all you ahve to do is buy a processor and not the whole damn system..

ANd those who are buying for gaming. wouldnot wanna buy a dual core(amd or intel).. as it wouldn`t be much help.. and when multi-threaded games do come out.. these dual cores would be old. for sure..
and by then the single core 939 would be old tooo... that time you don't need to upgrade your motherboard, ram or anything.. jsut your damn processor..which is awesome for AMD... even if the pricing is high now..that ok.
and this is just the start......
chic_magnet said:
ANd those who are buying for gaming. wouldnot wanna buy a dual core(amd or intel).. as it wouldn`t be much help.. and when multi-threaded games do come out.. these dual cores would be old. for sure..
and by then the single core 939 would be old tooo... that time you don't need to upgrade your motherboard, ram or anything.. jsut your damn processor..which is awesome for AMD... even if the pricing is high now..that ok.
and this is just the start......

That might not be true, AMD is also planning to change the interface of the Chip to socket M2 by next year
Well, the D 820 seems to make sense for photoshop/animators etc on a shoestring budget (most in india are, no one really takes the poor guys seriously) as these apps are already optimised for dual core.
If you run the mach microkernel, then this chip is for you (mach = heavily multithreaded OS)
Otherwise, I think dual core is simply a waste of time until enuf apps are available that use it. Right now it wud be better to just save ur money.
But definitely, considering the relatively low price of the 820, it will have a lot of takers in offices etc, where gaming is not an issue.
Nikhil said:
what is a mach???? Are you referring to the MAC OS??? I am confused that is all....
Its an operating system. One of the first(maybe the first? not sure) with a hard realtime kernel.
The mach microkernel is (conceptually) one of the mos advanced kernels, due to the fact that itis tiny. Everything is shifted to the "userspace".
GNU/HURD is based on the mach microkernel, and is heavily multithreaded, so shud be able to use a dual core/SMP out of the box.
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