CPU/Mobo Intel's Z500 series of Atom processors hits 2GHz


Intel's Atom series of processors gets credit for reinvigorating the ULPC and SFF PC segments that had been niche markets run by smaller players such as VIA, Freescale, and ARM. The Atom Z500 series single-core chips operate at speeds ranging from 1.1 to 1.86 GHz, with phenomenally low energy footprints - under 2.2 Watts.
One of the company's newest additions to the range, the Z550, could hit the 2.00 GHz mark, while consuming less than 2.4 Watts. Another chip in the making, Z515, will have dynamic clock-speed between 800 MHz and 1.33 GHz depending on the processing load. The Z515 could end up being an MID maker's favourite, not that Z550 won't be used in devices that small. Sony just might pack the 2.00 GHz chip on an upcoming variant of the VAIO P.

Source: techpowerup
Atom is great till it confines itself to devices no longer than a palm... for everything else it's an abomination. A plague for computer industry that will dumb down the software and kill the innovation.

In fact, we can already see Atom-powered lappies and all-in-one making their appearance. I shudder at the fact that none of these systems can't even playback true HD content flawlessly.