Internal Storage showing less in Samsung Galaxy S

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Hello Guys,

I have an issue with the internal storage of my SGS. It is showing only 831MB

This is what it shows me in the Task Manager>Package

Package Size: code+ data
Program : 306Mb/831MB

Even in the Settings>SD Card and Phone storage options the Internal Storage available is shown as 525MB only.

I have upgraded to Froyo using KIES and then rooted the phone using z4root and then installed one click lag fix. The phone is working fine without any issues.

Can anyone please help me on this. The internal storage is 2GB so it should show around 1.8GB. Am I missising anything on this?? Please help..

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Ok i got it...removed one click lag fix and the storage space was back to normal...but its a bit sluggish now :(

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I completely forgot about the slider which allows u to set the space used for the EXT2 partition while installing OCLF...:P and i thought i had done some mistake while upgrading to Froyo :D.. set it now to 900 MB. The more u slide it to the right...the more space u get to install the apps...i did not know abt this :)
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