Amazon gives Free international shipping to certain products... I am looking into this. http://www.amazon.com/Wahl-Chrome-Pro-Haircut-79524-2501/dp/B0026IBSVE/ref=sr_1_4_s_it?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1461847068&sr=1-4&refinements=p_n_shipping_option-bin:3242350011,p_n_is_free_international_shipping:10236242011
however is there any custom charges I have to pay when it reaches India?how much it will be? Is there any other additional procedure apart from ordering in Amazon ? Shipping International for the first time. so need some info on this.
however is there any custom charges I have to pay when it reaches India?how much it will be? Is there any other additional procedure apart from ordering in Amazon ? Shipping International for the first time. so need some info on this.